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Cross-linguistic lexical effects in different-script bilingual reading are modulated by task

Allen, David; Conklin, Kathy; Miwa, Koji

Cross-linguistic lexical effects in different-script bilingual reading are modulated by task Thumbnail


David Allen

Koji Miwa


Aims and objectives/purpose/research questions: Bilingual lexical processing is non-selective, which allows for activation of the non-target language, even when reading in a different script. However, while the influence of cross-script L1 lexical knowledge has been demonstrated in isolated word reading, it is unknown whether it survives in more natural reading tasks. We investigated whether crosslinguistic facilitation due to phonological similarity, semantic similarity, and L1 cognate frequency, is observed when different-script bilinguals read cognate words in their L2 in sentence context and in isolation. Design/methodology/approach: Two tasks were conducted with the same Japanese-English bilinguals and target items: A self-paced English reading task with non-highlighted target items embedded in sentence context; and an English lexical decision task. A monolingual control group also completed both tasks. Data and analysis: 108 cognate items were embedded in sentence context and read by 23 Japanese-English bilinguals and 23 English monolinguals for meaning comprehension. The same items were then responded to by the same participants in lexical decision. Linear mixed-effects models were used to investigate the impact of continuous measures of L1–L2 phonological and semantic similarity, L1 cognate frequency, and L2 proficiency, while controlling for L2 lexical characteristics. Findings/conclusions: Cross-linguistic phonological and semantic similarity, as well as cognate frequency, partially determined reading times of words in both tasks but only in bilingual, not monolingual, reading. These effects were modulated by task, revealing reduced cross-linguistic facilitation in sentence reading relative to lexical decision. Originality: This is the first study to investigate different-script cognate processing in sentence context and compare it with isolated word reading. Significance/implications: Although bilinguals do not switch off their L1 during L2 reading, the type of task partially determines how cross-linguistic effects impact reading times. The degree of overlap of Japanese-English cognates is less influential in natural reading tasks compared with isolated word reading tasks.


Allen, D., Conklin, K., & Miwa, K. (2021). Cross-linguistic lexical effects in different-script bilingual reading are modulated by task. International Journal of Bilingualism, 25(1), 168-188.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 4, 2020
Online Publication Date Jul 28, 2020
Publication Date Feb 1, 2021
Deposit Date Apr 21, 2021
Publicly Available Date May 19, 2021
Journal International Journal of Bilingualism
Print ISSN 1367-0069
Electronic ISSN 1756-6878
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 25
Issue 1
Pages 168-188
Keywords Linguistics and Language; Education; Language and Linguistics
Public URL
Publisher URL


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