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Mink is a highly susceptible host species to circulating human and avian influenza viruses

Sun, Honglei; Li, Fangtao; Liu, Qingzhi; Du, Jianyong; Liu, Litao; Li, Chong; Liu, Jiyu; Zhang, Xin; Yang, Jizhe; Duan, Yuhong; Bi, Yuhai; Pu, Juan; Sun, Yipeng; Tong, Qi; Wang, Yongqiang; Du, Xiangjun; Chang, Kin-Chow; Liu, Jinhua

Mink is a highly susceptible host species to circulating human and avian influenza viruses Thumbnail


Honglei Sun

Fangtao Li

Qingzhi Liu

Jianyong Du

Litao Liu

Chong Li

Jiyu Liu

Xin Zhang

Jizhe Yang

Yuhong Duan

Yuhai Bi

Juan Pu

Yipeng Sun

Qi Tong

Yongqiang Wang

Xiangjun Du

Jinhua Liu


Pandemic influenza, typically caused by reassortment of human and avian influenza viruses, can result in severe or fatal infections in humans. Timely identification of potential pandemic viruses must be a priority in influenza virus surveillance. However, the range of host species responsible for the generation of novel pandemic influenza viruses remain unclear. In this study, we conducted serological surveys for avian and human influenza virus infections in farmed mink and determined the susceptibility of mink to prevailing avian and human virus subtypes. The results showed that farmed mink were commonly infected with human (H3N2 and H1N1/pdm) and avian (H7N9, H5N6, and H9N2) influenza A viruses. Correlational analysis indicated that transmission of human influenza viruses occurred from humans to mink, and that feed source was a probable route of avian influenza virus transmission to farmed mink. Animal experiments showed that mink were susceptible and permissive to circulating avian and human influenza viruses, and that human influenza viruses (H3N2 and H1N1/pdm), but not avian viruses, were capable of aerosol transmission among mink. These results indicate that farmed mink could be highly permissive “mixing vessels” for the reassortment of circulating human and avian influenza viruses. Therefore, to reduce the risk of emergence of novel pandemic viruses, feeding mink with raw poultry by-products should not be permitted, and epidemiological surveillance of influenza viruses in mink farms should be urgently implemented.


Sun, H., Li, F., Liu, Q., Du, J., Liu, L., Li, C., Liu, J., Zhang, X., Yang, J., Duan, Y., Bi, Y., Pu, J., Sun, Y., Tong, Q., Wang, Y., Du, X., Chang, K.-C., & Liu, J. (2021). Mink is a highly susceptible host species to circulating human and avian influenza viruses. Emerging Microbes & Infections, 10(1), 472-480.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 28, 2021
Online Publication Date Mar 3, 2021
Publication Date Mar 3, 2021
Deposit Date Mar 4, 2021
Publicly Available Date Mar 4, 2021
Journal Emerging Microbes & Infections
Publisher Taylor & Francis
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 10
Issue 1
Pages 472-480
Public URL
Publisher URL


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