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Unconventional accelerated thermal ageing test for traction electric motors in vehicles

Lusuardi, Luca; Cavallini, Andrea; Madonna, Vincenzo; Giangrande, Paolo; Galea, Michael

Unconventional accelerated thermal ageing test for traction electric motors in vehicles Thumbnail


Luca Lusuardi

Andrea Cavallini

Vincenzo Madonna

Paolo Giangrande

Michael Galea


© 2020 IEEE. Car manufacturers are increasingly working to make the all-electric car a reliable and affordable mobility option for a larger section of the population. However, several issues need to be addressed before achieving this goal. One of the problems is represented by the qualification of the insulation systems employed in electric motors. Unfortunately, the tests to be performed are time consuming and the design of such measurements very often is done by trial and error, further lengthening the validation phase. In addition, since cars are exposed to variable torque and speed operations (especially when driven in city traffic), the stator winding temperature is expected to vary in a wide range. Nevertheless, indications regarding the impact that highly variable temperature conditions play on the insulation reliability are not available, at the moment. In this work, the results of accelerated thermal aging tests using temperature profiles (i.e. variable temperature ageing) are presented and discussed. The experiments are accomplished on simplified insulation systems for electric motor (i.e. specimens) and cycling temperature profiles, ranging between 200°C - 260°C and featuring different thermal gradients, are applied as ageing stress. Finally, the possibility of relying on statistical techniques for improving the quality of prediction, while shortening the testing time, is explored.


Lusuardi, L., Cavallini, A., Madonna, V., Giangrande, P., & Galea, M. (2020). Unconventional accelerated thermal ageing test for traction electric motors in vehicles. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC) (212-216).

Presentation Conference Type Edited Proceedings
Conference Name 2020 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC)
Start Date Jun 22, 2020
End Date Jul 3, 2020
Acceptance Date Nov 22, 2019
Online Publication Date Aug 5, 2020
Publication Date 2020-06
Deposit Date Nov 11, 2020
Publicly Available Date Nov 11, 2020
Pages 212-216
Series ISSN 2576-6791
Book Title Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC)
ISBN 978-1-7281-5486-2
Keywords Insulation, Accelerated aging, Partial discharges, Life estimation, Electric motors, Thermal stresses
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