Steven L Finkelstein
The Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science Survey (CEERS)
Finkelstein, Steven L; Bagley, Micaela B; Haro, Pablo Arrabal; Dickinson, Mark; Ferguson, Henry C; Kartaltepe, Jeyhan S; Kocevski, Dale D; Koekemoer, Anton M; Lotz, Jennifer M; Papovich, Casey; Pérez-González, Pablo G; Pirzkal, Nor; Somerville, Rachel S; Trump, Jonathan R; Yang, Guang; Yung, L Y Aaron; Fontana, Adriano; Grazian, Andrea; Grogin, Norman A; Kewley, Lisa J; Kirkpatrick, Allison; Larson, Rebecca L; Pentericci, Laura; Ravindranath, Swara; Wilkins, Stephen M; Almaini, Omar; Amorín, Ricardo O; Barro, Guillermo; Bhatawdekar, Rachana; Bisigello, Laura; Brooks, Madisyn; Buitrago, Fernando; Calabrò, Antonello; Castellano, Marco; Cheng, Yingjie; Cleri, Nikko J; Cole, Justin W; Cooper, M C; Cooper, Olivia R; Costantin, Luca; Cox, Isa G; Croton, Darren; Daddi, Emanuele; Davis, Kelcey; Dekel, Avishai; Elbaz, David; Fernández, Vital; Fujimoto, Seiji; Gandolfi, Giovanni; Gardner, Jonathan P; Gawiser, Eric; Giavalisco, Mauro; Gómez-Guijarro, Carlos; Guo, Yuchen; Gupta, Ansh R; Hathi, Nim...
Micaela B Bagley
Pablo Arrabal Haro
Mark Dickinson
Henry C Ferguson
Jeyhan S Kartaltepe
Dale D Kocevski
Anton M Koekemoer
Jennifer M Lotz
Casey Papovich
Pablo G Pérez-González
Nor Pirzkal
Rachel S Somerville
Jonathan R Trump
Guang Yang
L Y Aaron Yung
Adriano Fontana
Andrea Grazian
Norman A Grogin
Lisa J Kewley
Allison Kirkpatrick
Rebecca L Larson
Laura Pentericci
Swara Ravindranath
Stephen M Wilkins
Ricardo O Amorín
Guillermo Barro
Rachana Bhatawdekar
Laura Bisigello
Madisyn Brooks
Fernando Buitrago
Antonello Calabrò
Marco Castellano
Yingjie Cheng
Nikko J Cleri
Justin W Cole
M C Cooper
Olivia R Cooper
Luca Costantin
Isa G Cox
Darren Croton
Emanuele Daddi
Kelcey Davis
Avishai Dekel
David Elbaz
Vital Fernández
Seiji Fujimoto
Giovanni Gandolfi
Jonathan P Gardner
Eric Gawiser
Mauro Giavalisco
Carlos Gómez-Guijarro
Yuchen Guo
Ansh R Gupta
Nimish P Hathi
Santosh Harish
Aurélien Henry
Michaela Hirschmann
Weida Hu
Taylor A Hutchison
Kartheik G Iyer
Anne E Jaskot
Saurabh W Jha
Intae Jung
Vasily Kokorev
Peter Kurczynski
Gene C K Leung
Mario Llerena
Arianna S Long
Ray A Lucas
Shiying Lu
Elizabeth J Mcgrath
Daniel H Mcintosh
Emiliano Merlin
Alexa M Morales
Lorenzo Napolitano
Fabio Pacucci
Viraj Pandya
Marc Rafelski
Giulia Rodighiero
Caitlin Rose
Paola Santini
Lise-Marie Seillé
Raymond C Simons
Lu Shen
Amber N Straughn
Sandro Tacchella
Brittany N Vanderhoof
Jesús Vega-Ferrero
Benjamin J Weiner
Christopher N A Willmer
Peixin Zhu
Eric F Bell
Stijn Wuyts
Benne W Holwerda
Xin Wang
Weichen Wang
Jorge A Zavala
We present the Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) Survey, a 77.2 hour Director's Discretionary Early Release Science Program. CEERS demonstrates, tests, and validates efficient ex-tragalactic surveys using coordinated, overlapping parallel observations with the JWST instrument suite, including NIRCam and MIRI imaging, NIRSpec low (R∼100) and medium (R∼1000) resolution spectroscopy, and NIRCam slitless grism (R∼1500) spectroscopy. CEERS targets the Hubble Space Telescope-observed region of the Extended Groth Strip (EGS) field, supported by a rich set of multiwavelength data. CEERS facilitated immediate community science in both of the extragalactic core JWST science drivers "First Light" and "Galaxy Assembly," including: 1) The discovery and characterization of large samples of galaxies at z ≳ 10 from ∼90 arcmin 2 of NIRCam imaging, constraining their abundance and physical nature; 2) Deep spectra of >1000 galaxies, including dozens of galaxies at 6 < z < 10, enabling redshift measurements and constraints on the physical conditions of star-formation and black hole growth via line diagnostics; 3) Quantifying the first bulge, bar and disk structures at z > 3; and 4) Characterizing galaxy mid-IR emission with MIRI to study dust-obscured star-formation and supermassive black hole growth at z ∼ 1-3. As a legacy product for the community , the CEERS team has provided several data releases, accompanied by detailed notes on the data reduction procedures and notebooks to aid in reproducibility. In addition to an overview of the survey and quality of the data, we provide science highlights from the first two years with CEERS data.
Finkelstein, S. L., Bagley, M. B., Haro, P. A., Dickinson, M., Ferguson, H. C., Kartaltepe, J. S., Kocevski, D. D., Koekemoer, A. M., Lotz, J. M., Papovich, C., Pérez-González, P. G., Pirzkal, N., Somerville, R. S., Trump, J. R., Yang, G., Yung, L. Y. A., Fontana, A., Grazian, A., Grogin, N. A., Kewley, L. J., …Zavala, J. A. (in press). The Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science Survey (CEERS). Astrophysical Journal,
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Mar 3, 2025 |
Deposit Date | Mar 12, 2025 |
Publicly Available Date | Mar 12, 2025 |
Journal | Astrophysical Journal |
Print ISSN | 0004-637X |
Electronic ISSN | 1538-4357 |
Publisher | American Astronomical Society |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Keywords | early universe — galaxies: formation — galaxies: evolution |
Public URL | |
The Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science Survey (CEERS)
(14.9 Mb)
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