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Engineering the Human Fc Region Enables Direct Cell Killing by Cancer Glycan-Targeting Antibodies without the Need for Immune Effector Cells or Complement

Vankemmelbeke, Mireille; McIntosh, Richard S.; Chua, Jia Xin; Kirk, Thomas; Daniels, Ian; Patsalidou, Marilena; Moss, Robert; Parsons, Tina; Scott, David; Harris, Gemma; Ramage, Judith M.; Spendlove, Ian; Durrant, Lindy G.

Engineering the Human Fc Region Enables Direct Cell Killing by Cancer Glycan-Targeting Antibodies without the Need for Immune Effector Cells or Complement Thumbnail


Mireille Vankemmelbeke

Richard S. McIntosh

Jia Xin Chua

Thomas Kirk

Ian Daniels

Marilena Patsalidou

Robert Moss

Tina Parsons


Gemma Harris

Lindy G. Durrant


©2020 American Association for Cancer Research. Murine IgG3 glycan-targeting mAb often induces direct cell killing in the absence of immune effector cells or complement via a proinflammatory mechanism resembling oncotic necrosis. This cancer cell killing is due to noncovalent association between Fc regions of neighboring antibodies, resulting in enhanced avidity. Human isotypes do not contain the residues underlying this cooperative binding mode; consequently, the direct cell killing of mouse IgG3 mAb is lost upon chimerization or humanization. Using the Lewisa/c/x -targeting 88mAb, we identified the murine IgG3 residues underlying the direct cell killing and increased avidity via a series of constant region shuffling and subdomain swapping approaches to create improved ("i") chimeric mAb with enhanced tumor killing in vitro and in vivo. Constant region shuffling identified a major CH3 and a minor CH2 contribution, which was further mapped to discontinuous regions among residues 286-306 and 339-378 that, when introduced in 88hIgG1, recapitulated the direct cell killing and avidity of 88mIgG3. Of greater interest was the creation of a sialyl-di-Lewisa-targeting i129G1 mAb via introduction of these selected residues into 129hIgG1, converting it into a direct cell killing mAb with enhanced avidity and significant in vivo tumor control. The human iG1 mAb, termed Avidimabs, retained effector functions, paving the way for the proinflammatory direct cell killing to promote antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and complement-dependent cytotoxicity through relief of immunosuppression. Ultimately, Fc engineering of human glycan-targeting IgG1 mAb confers proinflammatory direct cell killing and enhanced avidity, an approach that could be used to improve the avidity of other mAb with therapeutic potential. SIGNIFICANCE: Fc engineering enhances avidity and direct cell killing of cancer-targeting anti-glycan antibodies to create superior clinical candidates for cancer immunotherapy.


Vankemmelbeke, M., McIntosh, R. S., Chua, J. X., Kirk, T., Daniels, I., Patsalidou, M., Moss, R., Parsons, T., Scott, D., Harris, G., Ramage, J. M., Spendlove, I., & Durrant, L. G. (2020). Engineering the Human Fc Region Enables Direct Cell Killing by Cancer Glycan-Targeting Antibodies without the Need for Immune Effector Cells or Complement. Cancer Research, 80(16), 3399-3412.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 5, 2020
Online Publication Date Jun 12, 2020
Publication Date Aug 15, 2020
Deposit Date Jun 17, 2020
Publicly Available Date Jun 13, 2021
Journal Cancer research
Print ISSN 0008-5472
Electronic ISSN 1538-7445
Publisher American Association for Cancer Research
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 80
Issue 16
Pages 3399-3412
Keywords Cancer Research; Oncology
Public URL
Publisher URL


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