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Canine collars: an investigation of collar type and the forces applied to a simulated neck model

Carter, Anne J.; Roshier, Amanda L.; McNally, Donal S.

Canine collars: an investigation of collar type and the forces applied to a simulated neck model Thumbnail


Anne J. Carter

Amanda L. Roshier


Dog collars have the potential to cause harm when the dog pulls on the lead. This study aimed to determine the effects of collar type and force applied using the lead on the pressure on a simulated neck model.

Seven collars and a slip lead were tested on a canine neck model. This consisted of a plastic cylinder ‘neck’, with a pressure sensor beneath the collar. A range of forces were applied to the lead representing different interactions: firm pull (40 N), strong pull (70 N) and jerk (mean force 141 N). Contact area of the collar and pressure on the neck were recorded.

Collars exerted a pressure of between 83 kPa and 832 kPa on the model neck. There was a significant effect of collar type (F(7)=25.69, P<0.001) and force applied (F(2)=42.60, P<0.001) on the pressure exerted on the neck. Collar type (χ(7)=64.94, P<0.001), but not force applied (χ(2)=3.20, P=0.202), affected the contact area that the pressure was exerted over.

Variation in the pressures exerted on the neck may have implications on comfort and the potential to cause injury. No single collar tested provided a pressure considered low enough to mitigate the risk of injury when pulling on the lead.


Carter, A. J., Roshier, A. L., & McNally, D. S. (2020). Canine collars: an investigation of collar type and the forces applied to a simulated neck model. Veterinary Record, 187(7), e52-e52.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 27, 2020
Online Publication Date Apr 17, 2020
Publication Date 2020-10
Deposit Date Apr 23, 2020
Publicly Available Date Apr 23, 2020
Journal Veterinary Record
Print ISSN 0042-4900
Electronic ISSN 2042-7670
Publisher BMJ Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 187
Issue 7
Pages e52-e52
Public URL
Publisher URL


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