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Speed control with load sharing capabilities for multi-three phase synchronous motors

Galassini, A.; Costabeber, A.; Gerada, C.; Tessarolo, A.; Menis, R.

Speed control with load sharing capabilities for multi-three phase synchronous motors Thumbnail


A. Galassini

A. Costabeber

A. Tessarolo

R. Menis


The on-going electrification transportation system revolution has already started and the continuous evolution of power electronics allows new and more reliable system layouts and control strategies to be investigated. Mainly, this revolution is driven by increased reliability levels. Since multi-three phase motors are fault tolerant by definition, they are a very good candidate for more reliable transportation systems. In this work, load sharing in multi-three phase synchronous motors is presented. For better explaining the new possibilities introduced in transportation systems by multi-three phase motors, few examples relative to a DC micro-grid for aerospace applications are provided. Analytical equations and experimental validation of speed control with load sharing capabilities are given by means of Matlab/Simulink simulations and by experimental on a 22kW test rig.


Galassini, A., Costabeber, A., Gerada, C., Tessarolo, A., & Menis, R. (2017). Speed control with load sharing capabilities for multi-three phase synchronous motors. In Proceedings IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (4408-4413).

Presentation Conference Type Edited Proceedings
Conference Name IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
Start Date Oct 29, 2017
End Date Nov 1, 2017
Acceptance Date Apr 30, 2017
Online Publication Date Dec 18, 2017
Publication Date 2017-10
Deposit Date Apr 8, 2020
Publicly Available Date Apr 8, 2020
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Pages 4408-4413
Book Title Proceedings IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
ISBN 978-1-5386-1128-9
Public URL
Publisher URL
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