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Core Rehabilitation Outcome Set for Single Sided Deafness (CROSSSD) study: protocol for an international consensus on outcome measures for single sided deafness interventions using a modified Delphi survey

Katiri, Roulla; Hall, Deborah A.; Buggy, Nora; Hogan, Nicholas; Horobin, Adele; van de Heyning, Paul; Firszt, Jill B.; Bruce, Iain A.; Kitterick, P�draig T.

Core Rehabilitation Outcome Set for Single Sided Deafness (CROSSSD) study: protocol for an international consensus on outcome measures for single sided deafness interventions using a modified Delphi survey Thumbnail


Roulla Katiri

Deborah A. Hall

Nora Buggy

Nicholas Hogan

Adele Horobin

Paul van de Heyning

Jill B. Firszt

Iain A. Bruce

P�draig T. Kitterick



Single-sided deafness (SSD) describes the presence of a unilateral severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss. SSD disrupts spatial hearing and understanding speech in background noise. It has functional, psychological and social consequences. Potential options for rehabilitation include hearing aids and auditory implants. Benefits and harms of these interventions are documented inconsistently in the literature, using a variety of outcomes ranging from tests of speech perception to quality of life questionnaires. It is therefore difficult to compare interventions when rehabilitating SSD. The Core Rehabilitation Outcome Set for Single Sided Deafness (CROSSSD) study is an international initiative that aims to develop a minimum set of core outcomes for use in future trials of SSD interventions.


The CROSSSD study adopts an international two-round online modified Delphi survey followed by a stakeholder consensus meeting to identify a patient-centred core outcome domain set for SSD based on what is considered critical and important for assessing whether an intervention for SSD has worked.


The resulting core outcome domain set will act as a minimum standard for reporting in future clinical trials and could have further applications in guiding the use of outcome measures in clinical practice. Standardisation will facilitate comparison of research findings.


Katiri, R., Hall, D. A., Buggy, N., Hogan, N., Horobin, A., van de Heyning, P., Firszt, J. B., Bruce, I. A., & Kitterick, P. T. (2020). Core Rehabilitation Outcome Set for Single Sided Deafness (CROSSSD) study: protocol for an international consensus on outcome measures for single sided deafness interventions using a modified Delphi survey. Trials, 21(1), Article 238.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 18, 2020
Online Publication Date Mar 4, 2020
Publication Date 2020-12
Deposit Date Mar 7, 2020
Publicly Available Date Mar 11, 2020
Journal Trials
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 21
Issue 1
Article Number 238
Keywords Medicine (miscellaneous); Pharmacology (medical)
Public URL
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