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Altruism, fast and slow? Evidence from a meta-analysis and a new experiment

Fromell, Hanna; Nosenzo, Daniele; Owens, Trudy

Altruism, fast and slow? Evidence from a meta-analysis and a new experiment Thumbnail


Hanna Fromell

Daniele Nosenzo


Can we use the lens of dual-system theories to explain altruistic behavior? In recent years this question has attracted the interest of both economists and psychologists. We contribute to this emerging literature by reporting the results of a meta-study of the literature and a new experiment. Our meta-study is based on 22 experimental studies conducted with more than 12,000 subjects. We show that the overall effect of manipulating cognitive resources to promote the "intuitive" system at the expense of the "deliberative" system is very close to zero. One reason for this null result could be that promoting intuition has heterogeneous effects on altruism across different subgroups of subjects or contexts. Another reason could be that there simply is no real effect and that previously reported single results are false positives. We explore the role of heterogeneity both by performing a mediator analysis of the meta-analytic effect and by conducting a new experiment designed to circumvent the issue of potential heterogeneity in the direction of the effect of promoting intuition. In both cases, we find little evidence that heterogeneity explains the absence of an overall effect of intuition on altruism. Taken together, our results offer little support for dual-system theories of altruistic behavior.


Fromell, H., Nosenzo, D., & Owens, T. (2020). Altruism, fast and slow? Evidence from a meta-analysis and a new experiment. Experimental Economics, 23, 979–1001.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 22, 2020
Online Publication Date Feb 25, 2020
Publication Date 2020-12
Deposit Date Feb 4, 2020
Publicly Available Date Feb 25, 2020
Journal Experimental Economics
Print ISSN 1386-4157
Electronic ISSN 1573-6938
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 23
Pages 979–1001
Keywords altruism; giving; dictator game; dual-system model; intuition; deliberation; self- control; willpower; depletion; Stroop task JEL Classification: C91
Public URL
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Additional Information Received: 30 November 2018; Revised: 15 January 2020; Accepted: 22 January 2020; First Online: 25 February 2020


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