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Teacher fabrication as an impediment to professional learning and development: the external mentor antidote

Hobson, Andrew J.; McIntyre, Joanna


Andrew J. Hobson


This paper reports findings from a study of the work of 'external mentors' associated with three programmes of support for the professional learning and development (PLD) of secondary science teachers in England. Focusing on outcomes from analyses of data derived from interviews with 47 mentees and 19 mentors, the paper supports and extends existing research on the construction and maintenance of fabrications in schools, and identifies omissions in the evidence base relating to teacher PLD. It is argued that the kinds of fabrications revealed by the teachers interviewed for this research present a serious impediment to their opportunities for school-based PLD, and that the deployment of external mentors (i.e. those not based in the same schools as the teachers they support) can provide a potentially powerful antidote to this. A number of implications for policy and practice in teacher professional learning and development are discussed. Amongst these, it is argued that more teachers should have the opportunity to access external support for their PLD, and that policy makers and head teachers should seek to reduce the degree to which teachers' 'performance' is observed, inspected and assessed.


Hobson, A. J., & McIntyre, J. (2013). Teacher fabrication as an impediment to professional learning and development: the external mentor antidote. Oxford Review of Education, 39(3), 345--365.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2013
Deposit Date Aug 23, 2024
Journal Oxford review of education
Print ISSN 0305-4985
Electronic ISSN 1465-3915
Publisher Routledge
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 39
Issue 3
Pages 345--365
Keywords Career development ; Computer Assisted Instruction ; CPD ; Education & Educational Research ; Educational policy ; England ; external mentor ; fabrication ; Learning ; Mentoring programs ; Mentors ; performativity ; Professional development ; Professional
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