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Resolving artefacts in voltage-clamp experiments with computational modelling: an application to fast sodium current recordings.

Lei, Chon Lok; Clark, Alexander P; Clerx, Michael; Wei, Siyu; Bloothooft, Meye; de Boer, Teun P; Christini, David J; Krogh-Madsen, Trine; Mirams, Gary R

Resolving artefacts in voltage-clamp experiments with computational modelling: an application to fast sodium current recordings. Thumbnail


Chon Lok Lei

Alexander P Clark

Siyu Wei

Meye Bloothooft

Teun P de Boer

David J Christini

Trine Krogh-Madsen


Cellular electrophysiology is the foundation of many fields, from basic science in neurology, cardiology, oncology to safety critical applications for drug safety testing, clinical phenotyping, etc. Patch-clamp voltage clamp is the gold standard technique for studying cellular electrophysiology. Yet, the quality of these experiments is not always transparent, which may lead to erroneous conclusions for studies and applications. Here, we have developed a new computational approach that allows us to explain and predict the experimental artefacts in voltage-clamp experiments. The computational model captures the experimental procedure and its inadequacies, including: voltage offset, series resistance, membrane capacitance and (imperfect) amplifier compensations, such as series resistance compensation and supercharging. The computational model was validated through a series of electrical model cell experiments. Using this computational approach, the artefacts in voltage-clamp experiments of cardiac fast sodium current, one of the most challenging currents to voltage clamp, were able to be resolved and explained through coupling the observed current and the simulated membrane voltage, including some typically observed shifts and delays in the recorded currents. We further demonstrated that the typical way of averaging data for current-voltage relationships would lead to biases in the peak current and shifts in the peak voltage, and such biases can be in the same order of magnitude as those differences reported for disease-causing mutations. Therefore, the presented new computational pipeline will provide a new standard of assessing the voltage-clamp experiments and interpreting the experimental data, which may be able to rectify and provide a better understanding of ion channel mutations and other related applications.


Lei, C. L., Clark, A. P., Clerx, M., Wei, S., Bloothooft, M., de Boer, T. P., Christini, D. J., Krogh-Madsen, T., & Mirams, G. R. Resolving artefacts in voltage-clamp experiments with computational modelling: an application to fast sodium current recordings

Working Paper Type Preprint
Online Publication Date Jul 24, 2024
Deposit Date Jul 29, 2024
Publicly Available Date Jul 30, 2024
Pages 2024.07.23.604780
Keywords patch clamp, computational model, fast sodium current, experimental error, voltage clamp
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