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Older persons with dementia at risk for institutionalization in eight European countries: a cross-sectional study on the perceptions of informal caregivers and healthcare professionals

Stephan, Astrid; Afram, Basema; Koskenniemi, Jaana; Verbeek, Hilde; Soto, Maria E.; Bleijlevens, Michel H.C.; Sutcliffe, Caroline; Lethin, Connie; Risco, Ester; Saks, Kai; Hamers, Jan P.H.; Meyer, Gabriele; Guiteras, Anna Renom; Sauerland, Dirk; W�bker, Ansgar; Bremer, Patrick; Beerens, Hanneke C.; Zwakhalen, Sandra M.G.; Ruwaard, Dirk; Ambergen, Ton; Hallberg, Ingalill Rahm; Emilsson, Ulla Melin; Karlsson, Staffan; Bokberg, Christina; Challis, David; Jolley, David; Tucker, Sue; Bowns, Ian; Roe, Brenda; Burns, Alistair; Leino-Kilpi, Helena; Suhonen, Riitta; Viitanen, Matti; Arve, Seija; Stolt, Minna; Hupli, Maija; Tiit, Ene Margit; Leibur, Jelena; Raamat, Katrin; Armolik, Angelika; Toivari, Marjatta Teija Tuula; Zabalegui, Adelaida; Navarro, Montserrat; Cabrera, Esther; Alvira, Carme; Farre, Marta; Miguel, Susana; Soto, Maria; Milhet, Agathe; Sourdet, Sandrine; Gillette, Sophie; Vellas, Bruno


Astrid Stephan

Basema Afram

Jaana Koskenniemi

Hilde Verbeek

Maria E. Soto

Michel H.C. Bleijlevens

Caroline Sutcliffe

Connie Lethin

Ester Risco

Kai Saks

Jan P.H. Hamers

Gabriele Meyer

Anna Renom Guiteras

Dirk Sauerland

Ansgar W�bker

Patrick Bremer

Hanneke C. Beerens

Sandra M.G. Zwakhalen

Dirk Ruwaard

Ton Ambergen

Ingalill Rahm Hallberg

Ulla Melin Emilsson

Staffan Karlsson

Christina Bokberg

David Jolley

Sue Tucker

Ian Bowns

Brenda Roe

Alistair Burns

Helena Leino-Kilpi

Riitta Suhonen

Matti Viitanen

Seija Arve

Minna Stolt

Maija Hupli

Ene Margit Tiit

Jelena Leibur

Katrin Raamat

Angelika Armolik

Marjatta Teija Tuula Toivari

Adelaida Zabalegui

Montserrat Navarro

Esther Cabrera

Carme Alvira

Marta Farre

Susana Miguel

Maria Soto

Agathe Milhet

Sandrine Sourdet

Sophie Gillette

Bruno Vellas


© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Aims: To explore the perceptions of informal caregivers and healthcare professionals regarding potential reasons for the institutionalization of older persons with dementia in eight European countries. Background: Healthcare professionals may have an important role in facilitating informal caregivers' decision-making regarding institutionalization. Little is known about the perceptions of informal caregivers and healthcare professionals prior to institutionalization. Design: Cross-sectional survey in eight European countries (November 2010-January 2012). Methods: Healthcare professionals reported why they clinically judged persons with dementia at risk for institutionalization. Informal caregivers reported potential reasons from their perspectives. Answers were openly coded and categorized. Variation between informal caregivers and healthcare professionals was investigated (agreement on at least one potential reason per case/proportion of maximum attainable kappa). Results: Judgements of healthcare professionals and informal caregivers on 1160 persons with dementia were included. A total of 22 categories emerged. Approximately 90% of informal caregivers reported potential reasons. In 41% of the cases, informal caregivers and healthcare professionals agreed on at least one reason. Discrepancy was high for potential reasons related to caregiver burden. For the most frequent categories (caregiver burden, caregiver unable to provide care, neuropsychiatric symptoms, overall deterioration, care dependency), 24-41% of the attainable kappa was achieved. Differences between countries emerged indicating more favourable agreement in Finland, Sweden and Estonia and lowest agreement in England and Spain. Conclusion: Agreement between healthcare professionals and informal caregivers on potential reasons for institutionalization was low-to-moderate. Healthcare professionals are challenged to develop a detailed understanding of the perspectives and perceived burden of informal caregivers.


Stephan, A., Afram, B., Koskenniemi, J., Verbeek, H., Soto, M. E., Bleijlevens, M. H., …Vellas, B. (2015). Older persons with dementia at risk for institutionalization in eight European countries: a cross-sectional study on the perceptions of informal caregivers and healthcare professionals. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(6), 1392-1404.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 5, 2014
Online Publication Date Aug 4, 2014
Publication Date 2015-06
Deposit Date Jul 15, 2020
Journal Journal of Advanced Nursing
Print ISSN 0309-2402
Electronic ISSN 1365-2648
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 71
Issue 6
Pages 1392-1404
Public URL