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Nutritional and hormonal control of muscle growth and fat deposition

Brameld, John M.; Fahey, Angela J.; Langley-Evans, Simon C.; Buttery, Peter J.


Angela J. Fahey

Simon C. Langley-Evans

Peter J. Buttery


This review will consider the processes of skeletal muscle (myogenesis) and fat (adipogenesis) development and the factors involved in regulating them in a variety of species. In particular, the effects of hormones and maternal nutrition during different stages of pregnancy on numbers and types of skeletal muscle fibres will be considered, along with possible underlying mechanisms. Similarly, effects of maternal nutrition on adiposity will also be considered and the relationship between skeletal muscle (fibre number and type) and adiposity. The implications for both agriculture and medicine will be considered.


Brameld, J. M., Fahey, A. J., Langley-Evans, S. C., & Buttery, P. J. Nutritional and hormonal control of muscle growth and fat deposition

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Publication Date Oct 13, 2003
Deposit Date Apr 27, 2021
Journal Archiv fur Tierzucht
Print ISSN 0003-9438
Electronic ISSN 2363-9822
Publisher Copernicus Publications
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Volume 46
Issue 5 SUPPL.
Pages 143-156
Public URL
Publisher URL