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Constraints and potentials of future irrigation water availability on agricultural production under climate change

Elliott, Joshua; Deryng, Delphine; M�ller, Christoph; Frieler, Katja; Konzmann, Markus; Gerten, Dieter; Glotter, Michael; Fl�rke, Martina; Wada, Yoshihide; Best, Neil; Eisner, Stephanie; Fekete, Bal�zs M.; Folberth, Christian; Foster, Ian; Gosling, Simon N.; Haddeland, Ingjerd; Khabarov, Nikolay; Ludwig, Fulco; Masaki, Yoshimitsu; Olin, Stefan; Rosenzweig, Cynthia; Ruane, Alex C.; Satoh, Yusuke; Schmid, Erwin; Stacke, Tobias; Tang, Qiuhong; Wisser, Dominik


Joshua Elliott

Delphine Deryng

Christoph M�ller

Katja Frieler

Markus Konzmann

Dieter Gerten

Michael Glotter

Martina Fl�rke

Yoshihide Wada

Neil Best

Stephanie Eisner

Bal�zs M. Fekete

Christian Folberth

Ian Foster

Ingjerd Haddeland

Nikolay Khabarov

Fulco Ludwig

Yoshimitsu Masaki

Stefan Olin

Cynthia Rosenzweig

Alex C. Ruane

Yusuke Satoh

Erwin Schmid

Tobias Stacke

Qiuhong Tang

Dominik Wisser


We compare ensembles of water supply and demand projections from 10 global hydrological models and six global gridded crop models. These are produced as part of the Inter-Sectoral Impacts Model Intercomparison Project, with coordination from the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project, and driven by outputs of general circulation models run under representative concentration pathway 8.5 as part of the Fifth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project. Models project that direct climate impacts to maize, soybean, wheat, and rice involve losses of 400- 1,400 Pcal (8-24% of present-day total) when CO2 fertilization effects are accounted for or 1,400-2,600 Pcal (24-43%) otherwise. Freshwater limitations in some irrigated regions (western United States; China; and West, South, and Central Asia) could necessitate the reversion of 20-60 Mha of cropland from irrigated to rainfed management by end-of-century, and a further loss of 600-2,900 Pcal of food production. In other regions (northern/eastern United States, parts of South America, much of Europe, and South East Asia) surplus water supply could in principle support a net increase in irrigation, although substantial investments in irrigation infrastructure would be required.


Elliott, J., Deryng, D., Müller, C., Frieler, K., Konzmann, M., Gerten, D., Glotter, M., Flörke, M., Wada, Y., Best, N., Eisner, S., Fekete, B. M., Folberth, C., Foster, I., Gosling, S. N., Haddeland, I., Khabarov, N., Ludwig, F., Masaki, Y., Olin, S., …Wisser, D. (2014). Constraints and potentials of future irrigation water availability on agricultural production under climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(9), 3239-3244.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 4, 2013
Online Publication Date Dec 16, 2013
Publication Date Mar 4, 2014
Deposit Date Jan 29, 2020
Journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Print ISSN 0027-8424
Electronic ISSN 1091-6490
Publisher National Academy of Sciences
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 111
Issue 9
Pages 3239-3244
Keywords Multidisciplinary
Public URL
Publisher URL