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Label-free molecular imaging of immunological synapses between dendritic and T cells by Raman micro-spectroscopy

Zoladek, Alina Bogumila; Johal, Ramneek Kaur; Garcia-Nieto, Samuel; Pascut, Flavius; Shakesheff, Kevin M.; Ghaemmaghami, Amir M.; Notingher, Ioan


Alina Bogumila Zoladek

Ramneek Kaur Johal

Samuel Garcia-Nieto

Flavius Pascut

Kevin M. Shakesheff


Confocal Raman micro-spectroscopy (CRMS) was used to measure spectral images of immunological synapse formation between dendritic and T cells without using molecular labels or other invasive procedures. The purpose-built inverted CRMS instrument integrated an environmental enclosure and a near-infrared laser to allow measurements on live cells maintained under physiological conditions. The integration of the wide-field fluorescence also enabled viability assays and direct comparison between Raman spectral images and gold-standard immuno-fluorescence images for specific molecules. Raman spectral images of nucleus and proteins were built by fuzzy c-mean clustering method. The Raman images were found to be in good correspondence with the immuno-fluorescence images of DNA and actin. These results indicate that actin is a main contributor to the Raman spectrum of the cytoplasm of dendritic and T cells. While for control cells the Raman spectral images of proteins indicated a more homogeneous distribution of proteins in the cytoplasm of dendritic cells, they indicated a higher accumulation of proteins at the immunological synapses when dendritic cells were pre-treated with laminin. These conclusions were also supported by confocal immuno-fluorescence imaging after cell fixation and labelling. This study demonstrates the potential of CRMS for label-free non-invasive imaging of junctions between live cells. Therefore, this technique may become a useful tool for studying cellular processes in live cells and where non-invasive molecular specific imaging is desirable, such as cell-cell interactions. © 2010 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


Zoladek, A. B., Johal, R. K., Garcia-Nieto, S., Pascut, F., Shakesheff, K. M., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., & Notingher, I. (2010, June). Label-free molecular imaging of immunological synapses between dendritic and T cells by Raman micro-spectroscopy. Presented at SPEC 2010 Shedding Light on Disease: Optical Diagnosis for the New Millennium, Manchester, UK

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name SPEC 2010 Shedding Light on Disease: Optical Diagnosis for the New Millennium
Start Date Jun 26, 2010
End Date Jul 1, 2010
Acceptance Date Oct 5, 2010
Online Publication Date Oct 18, 2010
Publication Date Dec 1, 2010
Deposit Date Jan 3, 2023
Journal Analyst
Print ISSN 0003-2654
Electronic ISSN 1364-5528
Publisher Royal Society of Chemistry
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 135
Issue 12
Pages 3205-3212
Public URL
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