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A Behaviour Sequence Analysis of Young People and Gambling-Related Harm

Keatley, David; Parke, Adrian; Townsend, Ellen; Markham, Claire; Clarke, David

A Behaviour Sequence Analysis of Young People and Gambling-Related Harm Thumbnail


David Keatley

Adrian Parke

Claire Markham

David Clarke


Gambling is a worldwide issue that requires continued, extensive investigation. Most people have gambled at some point in their lives, and many do so without incurring problems. However, a number of individuals do experience gambling-related harm, and understanding the pathways or life histories these individuals have experienced may elucidate how and why their gambling became harmful. The current research uses a novel method, Behaviour Sequence Analysis, to understand the temporal pathways that young people experience when first gambling. Behaviour Sequence Analysis takes multiple qualitative accounts, first-person interviews in the current study, and collates the data into statistical pathway models that show the chains between behaviours and events. A sample of 66 participants provided details of their life experiences regarding what led them to first gamble. Results indicated that parents and peers had a large influence and were facilitators in the first-time gambling episode, which was expected. However, the results also showed that many participants suggested that receiving scratch cards in their birthday cards was their first experience of gambling, and this seemingly innocuous act was the first step towards a pathway into gambling-related harm. The findings, therefore, support previous literature, while highlighting a novel method for future research, and various key intervention points for which strategies could be developed to reduce the potential for developing gambling-related harm behaviours.


Keatley, D., Parke, A., Townsend, E., Markham, C., & Clarke, D. (2019). A Behaviour Sequence Analysis of Young People and Gambling-Related Harm. Journal of Gambling Issues, 43,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 21, 2019
Publication Date 2019
Deposit Date Oct 25, 2019
Publicly Available Date Oct 25, 2019
Journal Journal of Gambling Issues
Print ISSN 1910-7595
Publisher Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 43
Keywords gambling; gambling-related harm; young people; Behaviour Sequence analysis; developmental xx
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Contract Date Oct 25, 2019