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The European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence (EPNOE) research roadmap 2040: Advanced strategies for exploiting the vast potential of polysaccharides as renewable bioresources

Gericke, Martin; Amaral, Adérito J R; Budtova, Tatiana; De Wever, Pieter; Groth, Thomas; Heinze, Thomas; Höfte, Herman; Huber, Anton; Ikkala, Olli; Kapuśniak, Janusz; Kargl, Rupert; Mano, João F; Másson, Már; Matricardi, Pietro; Medronho, Bruno; Norgren, Magnus; Nypelö, Tiina; Nyström, Laura; Roig, Anna; Sauer, Michael; Schols, Henk A; van der Linden, John; Wrodnigg, Tanja M; Xu, Chunlin; Yakubov, Gleb E; Stana Kleinschek, Karin; Fardim, Pedro


Martin Gericke

Adérito J R Amaral

Tatiana Budtova

Pieter De Wever

Thomas Groth

Thomas Heinze

Herman Höfte

Anton Huber

Olli Ikkala

Janusz Kapuśniak

Rupert Kargl

João F Mano

Már Másson

Pietro Matricardi

Bruno Medronho

Magnus Norgren

Tiina Nypelö

Laura Nyström

Anna Roig

Michael Sauer

Henk A Schols

John van der Linden

Tanja M Wrodnigg

Chunlin Xu

Gleb E Yakubov

Karin Stana Kleinschek

Pedro Fardim


Polysaccharides are among the most abundant bioresources on earth and consequently need to play a pivotal role when addressing existential scientific challenges like climate change and the shift from fossil-based to sustainable biobased materials. The Research Roadmap 2040 of the European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence (EPNOE) provides an expert's view on how future research and development strategies need to evolve to fully exploit the vast potential of polysaccharides as renewable bioresources. It is addressed to academic researchers, companies, as well as policymakers and covers five strategic areas that are of great importance in the context of polysaccharide related research: (I) Materials & Engineering, (II) Food & Nutrition, (III) Biomedical Applications, (IV) Chemistry, Biology & Physics, and (V) Skills & Education. Each section summarizes the state of research, identifies challenges that are currently faced, project achievements and developments that are expected in the upcoming 20 years, and finally provides outlines on how future research activities need to evolve.


Gericke, M., Amaral, A. J. R., Budtova, T., De Wever, P., Groth, T., Heinze, T., Höfte, H., Huber, A., Ikkala, O., Kapuśniak, J., Kargl, R., Mano, J. F., Másson, M., Matricardi, P., Medronho, B., Norgren, M., Nypelö, T., Nyström, L., Roig, A., Sauer, M., …Fardim, P. (2024). The European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence (EPNOE) research roadmap 2040: Advanced strategies for exploiting the vast potential of polysaccharides as renewable bioresources. Carbohydrate Polymers, 326, Article 121633.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 21, 2023
Online Publication Date Nov 27, 2023
Publication Date Feb 15, 2024
Deposit Date Dec 30, 2023
Journal Carbohydrate Polymers
Print ISSN 0144-8617
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 326
Article Number 121633
Keywords Bioeconomy, Polysaccharides, Food and nutrition, Biomaterials, Biomedical applications
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This article is maintained by: Elsevier; Article Title: The European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence (EPNOE) research roadmap 2040: Advanced strategies for exploiting the vast potential of polysaccharides as renewable bioresources; Journal Title: Carbohydrate Polymers; CrossRef DOI link to publisher maintained version:; Content Type: article; Copyright: © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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