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The performance analysis of a photo/thermal catalytic Trombe wall with energy generation

Duan, Xiaojian; Shen, Chao; Liu, Dingming; Wu, Yupeng

The performance analysis of a photo/thermal catalytic Trombe wall with energy generation Thumbnail


Xiaojian Duan

Chao Shen

Dingming Liu


The Trombe wall (T-wall) has gained significant attention as an advanced building envelope capable effectively harvest solar energy. Improving the functionality and performance of the T-wall is critical for achieving energy-saving and positive energy buildings. This study focuses on enhancing the functionality and performance of the T-wall by incorporating with photovoltaic (PV) panels and aluminum panels in the T-wall chamber. Additionally, the PV panels and aluminum panels are laminated with photocatalyst and thermal materials to optimize their energy harvesting capabilities. In this photo/thermal catalytic Trombe wall system, the air within the wall system moves upwards due to thermal pressure and sweeps over the surface of the catalytic material when exposed to solar irradiation. Through the combined effects of solar energy and catalytic oxidation, the cold and dirty air in the chamber undergoes heating and purification processes, resulting in the desired heating effect while significantly improving the overall air quality within the environment. The experimental results highlight that the novel T-wall system offers a multifunctional solution that addresses electricity generation, heating, and improvement of indoor air quality. The main findings of this study are as follows: (1) During the period from 9:00 to16:00, the T-wall system demonstrates the ability to provide a range of 6.25 kJ/mol to 17.74 kJ/mol of heat and 0.075 kWh to 0.372 kWh of electricity per day. (2) In terms of indoor air quality improvement, the T-wall system exhibits a one-way sterilization efficiency of bacterial aerosols ranging from 0.204 to 0.347. (3) The comprehensive performance of the system was found to be optimal when the system spacing is 25 cm. (4) In terms of the layout of UV light, it was observed that at the top and bottom of the system yielded better sterilization efficiency.


Duan, X., Shen, C., Liu, D., & Wu, Y. (2023). The performance analysis of a photo/thermal catalytic Trombe wall with energy generation. Renewable Energy, 218, Article 119361.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 23, 2023
Online Publication Date Sep 27, 2023
Publication Date 2023-12
Deposit Date Oct 3, 2023
Publicly Available Date Sep 28, 2024
Journal Renewable Energy
Print ISSN 0960-1481
Electronic ISSN 1879-0682
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 218
Article Number 119361
Keywords T-wall; Sterilization; The severe cold region; Catalytic oxidation; Energy production
Public URL
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