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Multiple-Scale Hierarchical Connectivity of Cortical Networks Limits the Spread of Activity

Kaiser, Marcus




The anatomy of the brain that cortical architecture and connections are organized in a hierarchical and modular way, from cellular microcircuits in cortical columns at the lowest level, via cortical areas at the intermediate level, to clusters of highly connected brain regions at the global systems level. The nerve fiber network of the mammalian cerebral cortex possesses a modular organization extending across several levels of organization. An essential requirement for the representation of functional patterns in complex neural networks, such as the mammalian cerebral cortex, is the existence of stable network activations within a limited critical range. In this range, the activity of neural populations in the network persists between the extremes of quickly dying out, or activating the whole network. Whereas standard explanations for balanced activity involve populations of inhibitory neurons for limiting activity, the effect of network topology on limiting activity spreading is observed. A cluster hierarchy at different levels—from cortical clusters such as the visual cortex at the highest level to individual columns at the lowest level—enables sustained activity in neural systems and prevents large-scale activation as observed during epileptic seizures. Such topological inhibition, in addition to neuronal inhibition, might help to maintain healthy levels of neural activity.


Kaiser, M. (2008). Multiple-Scale Hierarchical Connectivity of Cortical Networks Limits the Spread of Activity. In Computational Neuroscience in Epilepsy (132-140).

Publication Date Dec 19, 2008
Deposit Date Sep 29, 2023
Pages 132-140
Book Title Computational Neuroscience in Epilepsy
Chapter Number 9
ISBN 9780123736499
Public URL
Publisher URL