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Prediction of Choice from Competing Mechanosensory and Choice-Memory Cues during Active Tactile Decision Making

Campagner, Dario; Evans, Mathew H.; Chlebikova, Katarina; Colins-Rodriguez, Andrea; Loft, Michaela S.E.; Fox, Sarah; Pettifer, David; Humphries, Mark D.; Svoboda, Karel; Petersen, Rasmus S.

Prediction of Choice from Competing Mechanosensory and Choice-Memory Cues during Active Tactile Decision Making Thumbnail


Dario Campagner

Mathew H. Evans

Katarina Chlebikova

Andrea Colins-Rodriguez

Michaela S.E. Loft

Sarah Fox

David Pettifer

Karel Svoboda

Rasmus S. Petersen


Perceptual decision making is an active process where animals move their sense organs to extract task-relevant information. To investigate how the brain translates sensory input into decisions during active sensation, we developed a mouse active touch task where the mechanosensory input can be precisely measured and that challenges animals to use multiple mechanosensory cues. Male mice were trained to localize a pole using a single whisker and to report their decision by selecting one of three choices. Using high-speed imaging and machine vision, we estimated whisker–object mechanical forces at millisecond resolution. Mice solved the task by a sensory-motor strategy where both the strength and direction of whisker bending were informative cues to pole location. We found competing influences of immediate sensory input and choice memory on mouse choice. On correct trials, choice could be predicted from the direction and strength of whisker bending, but not from previous choice. In contrast, on error trials, choice could be predicted from previous choice but not from whisker bending. This study shows that animal choices during active tactile decision making can be predicted from mechanosensory and choice-memory signals, and provides a new task well suited for the future study of the neural basis of active perceptual decisions.


Campagner, D., Evans, M. H., Chlebikova, K., Colins-Rodriguez, A., Loft, M. S., Fox, S., Pettifer, D., Humphries, M. D., Svoboda, K., & Petersen, R. S. (2019). Prediction of Choice from Competing Mechanosensory and Choice-Memory Cues during Active Tactile Decision Making. Journal of Neuroscience, 39(20), 3921-3933.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 16, 2019
Online Publication Date Mar 8, 2019
Publication Date May 15, 2019
Deposit Date Sep 13, 2019
Publicly Available Date Sep 13, 2019
Journal The Journal of Neuroscience
Electronic ISSN 1529-2401
Publisher Society for Neuroscience
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 39
Issue 20
Pages 3921-3933
Keywords behavior; computational modeling; decision making; mouse; sensory-motor integration; whisker system
Public URL
Contract Date Sep 13, 2019


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