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Top ten priorities for global saltmarsh restoration, conservation and ecosystem service research

Pétillon, Julien; McKinley, Emma; Alexander, Meghan; Adams, Janine B; Angelini, Christine; Balke, Thorsten; Griffin, John N; Bouma, Tjeerd; Hacker, Sally; He, Qiang; Hensel, Marc J S; Ibáñez, Carles; Macreadie, Peter I; Martino, Simone; Sharps, Elwyn; Ballinger, Rhoda; de Battisti, Davide; Beaumont, Nicola; Burdon, Daryl; Daleo, Pedro; D'Alpaos, Andrea; Duggan-Edwards, Mollie; Garbutt, Angus; Jenkins, Stuart; Ladd, Cai J T; Lewis, Heather; Mariotti, Giulio; McDermott, Osgur; Mills, Rachael; Möller, Iris; Nolte, Stefanie; Pagès, Jordi F; Silliman, Brian; Zhang, Liquan; Skov, Martin W

Top ten priorities for global saltmarsh restoration, conservation and ecosystem service research Thumbnail


Julien Pétillon

Emma McKinley

Janine B Adams

Christine Angelini

Thorsten Balke

John N Griffin

Tjeerd Bouma

Sally Hacker

Qiang He

Marc J S Hensel

Carles Ibáñez

Peter I Macreadie

Simone Martino

Elwyn Sharps

Rhoda Ballinger

Davide de Battisti

Nicola Beaumont

Daryl Burdon

Pedro Daleo

Andrea D'Alpaos

Mollie Duggan-Edwards

Angus Garbutt

Stuart Jenkins

Cai J T Ladd

Heather Lewis

Giulio Mariotti

Osgur McDermott

Rachael Mills

Iris Möller

Stefanie Nolte

Jordi F Pagès

Brian Silliman

Liquan Zhang

Martin W Skov


Coastal saltmarshes provide globally important ecosystem services including ‘blue carbon’ sequestration, flood protection, pollutant remediation, habitat provision and cultural value. Large portions of marshes have been lost or fragmented as a result of land reclamation, embankment construction, and pollution. Sea level rise threatens marsh survival by blocking landward migration where coastlines have been developed. Research-informed saltmarsh conservation and restoration efforts are helping to prevent further loss, yet significant knowledge gaps remain. Using a mixed methods approach, this paper identifies ten research priorities through an online questionnaire and a residential workshop attended by an international, multi-disciplinary network of 35 saltmarsh experts spanning natural, physical and social sciences across research, policy, and practitioner sectors. Priorities have been grouped under four thematic areas of research: Saltmarsh Area Extent, Change and Restoration Potential (including past, present, global variation), Spatio-social contexts of Ecosystem Service delivery (e.g. influences of environmental context, climate change, and stakeholder groups on service provisioning), Patterns and Processes in saltmarsh functioning (global drivers of saltmarsh ecosystem structure/function) and Management and Policy Needs (how management varies contextually; challenges/opportunities for management). Although not intended to be exhaustive, the challenges, opportunities, and strategies for addressing each research priority examined here, providing a blueprint of the work that needs to be done to protect saltmarshes for future generations.


Pétillon, J., McKinley, E., Alexander, M., Adams, J. B., Angelini, C., Balke, T., Griffin, J. N., Bouma, T., Hacker, S., He, Q., Hensel, M. J. S., Ibáñez, C., Macreadie, P. I., Martino, S., Sharps, E., Ballinger, R., de Battisti, D., Beaumont, N., Burdon, D., Daleo, P., …Skov, M. W. (2023). Top ten priorities for global saltmarsh restoration, conservation and ecosystem service research. Science of the Total Environment, 898, Article 165544.

Journal Article Type Review
Acceptance Date Jul 12, 2023
Online Publication Date Jul 13, 2023
Publication Date Nov 10, 2023
Deposit Date Aug 4, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jul 14, 2024
Journal Science of the Total Environment
Print ISSN 0048-9697
Electronic ISSN 1879-1026
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 898
Article Number 165544
Keywords Saltmarsh conservation and restoration; Ecosystem services; Global variation; Socio-ecological interactions; Research priorities
Public URL
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