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Multinational prescribing trends of lithium from 2001 to 2019: a retrospective observational study using population-based databases from 17 countries and one special administrative region

Chan, Adrienne Y.L.; Chan, Vivien K.Y.; Bahmanyar, Shahram; Beyene, Kebede; Bushnell, Greta; Carleton, Bruce; Chan, Amy; Cook, Sharon; Crystal, Stephen; Furu, Kari; Gadzhanova, Svetla; Poza, Patricia García; Giometto, Sabrina; Gini, Rosa; Harrison, Jeff; Haug, Ulrike; Hayes, Joseph F.; Hsu, Christine; Jónsdóttir, Harpa Lind; Kai, Joe; Karlstad, Øystein; Kieler, Helle; Kim, Ju Hwan; Kubota, Kiyoshi; Lai, Edward Chia-Cheng; Lee, Hyesung; Lau, Wallis C. Y.; Li, Kathy H.; Lucenteforte, Ersilia; Maura, Géric; Neumann, Anke; Ng, Vanessa W. S.; Pate, Virginia; Pottegård, Anton; Qureshi, Nadeem; Rasmussen, Lotte; Reutfors, Johan; Roughead, Elizabeth E.; Saastamoinen, Leena; Sato, Tsugumichi; Scholle, Oliver; Schuiling-Veninga, C. C. M.; Shen, Chin-Yao; Shin, Ju Young; Stürmer, Til; Taxis, Katja; Tuccori, Marco; Weng, Stephen; Zoega, Helga; Man, Kenneth K. C.; Wong, Ian C. K.


Adrienne Y.L. Chan

Vivien K.Y. Chan

Shahram Bahmanyar

Kebede Beyene

Greta Bushnell

Bruce Carleton

Amy Chan

Sharon Cook

Stephen Crystal

Kari Furu

Svetla Gadzhanova

Patricia García Poza

Sabrina Giometto

Rosa Gini

Jeff Harrison

Ulrike Haug

Joseph F. Hayes

Christine Hsu

Harpa Lind Jónsdóttir

Øystein Karlstad

Helle Kieler

Ju Hwan Kim

Kiyoshi Kubota

Edward Chia-Cheng Lai

Hyesung Lee

Wallis C. Y. Lau

Kathy H. Li

Ersilia Lucenteforte

Géric Maura

Anke Neumann

Vanessa W. S. Ng

Virginia Pate

Anton Pottegård

Lotte Rasmussen

Johan Reutfors

Elizabeth E. Roughead

Leena Saastamoinen

Tsugumichi Sato

Oliver Scholle

C. C. M. Schuiling-Veninga

Chin-Yao Shen

Ju Young Shin

Til Stürmer

Katja Taxis

Marco Tuccori

Stephen Weng

Helga Zoega

Kenneth K. C. Man

Ian C. K. Wong


Chan, A. Y., Chan, V. K., Bahmanyar, S., Beyene, K., Bushnell, G., Carleton, B., …Wong, I. C. K. Multinational prescribing trends of lithium from 2001 to 2019: a retrospective observational study using population-based databases from 17 countries and one special administrative region. Manuscript submitted for publication

Journal Article Type Article
Deposit Date Jul 21, 2023
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Public URL
Additional Information Preprint