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Bambara groundnut: an exemplar underutilised legume for resilience under climate change

Mayes, Sean; Ho, Wai Kuan; Chai, Hui Hui; Gao, Xiuqing; Kundy, Aloyce C.; Mateva, Kumbirai I.; Zahrulakmal, Muhammad; Hahiree, Mohd Khairul Izwan Mohd; Kendabie, Presidor; Licea, Luis C. S.; Massawe, Festo; Mabhaudhi, Tafadzwanashe; Modi, Albert T.; Berchie, Joseph N.; Amoah, Stephen; Faloye, Ben; Abberton, Michael; Olaniyi, Oyatomi; Azam-Ali, Sayed N.

Bambara groundnut: an exemplar underutilised legume for resilience under climate change Thumbnail


Wai Kuan Ho

Hui Hui Chai

Xiuqing Gao

Aloyce C. Kundy

Kumbirai I. Mateva

Muhammad Zahrulakmal

Mohd Khairul Izwan Mohd Hahiree

Presidor Kendabie

Luis C. S. Licea

Festo Massawe

Tafadzwanashe Mabhaudhi

Albert T. Modi

Joseph N. Berchie

Stephen Amoah

Ben Faloye

Michael Abberton

Oyatomi Olaniyi

Sayed N. Azam-Ali


Main conclusion Bambara groundnut has the potential to be used to contribute more the climate change ready agriculture. The requirement for nitrogen fixing, stress tolerant legumes is clear, particularly in low input agriculture. However, ensuring that existing negative traits are tackled and demand is stimulated through the development of markets and products still represents a challenge to making greater use of this legume. Abstract World agriculture is currently based on very limited numbers of crops, representing a significant risk to food supplies, particularly in the face of climate change which is expected to increase the frequency of extreme events. Minor and underutilised crops can help to develop a more resilient and nutritionally dense future agriculture. Bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.[, as a drought resistant, nitrogen-fixing, legume has a role to play. However, as with most underutilised crops, there are significant gaps in knowledge and also negative traits such as 'hard-to-cook' and 'photoperiod sensitivity to pod filling' associated with the crop which future breeding programmes and processing methods need to tackle, to allow it to make a significant contribution to the well-being of future generations. The current review assesses these factors and also considers what are the next steps towards realising the potential of this crop.


Mayes, S., Ho, W. K., Chai, H. H., Gao, X., Kundy, A. C., Mateva, K. I., Zahrulakmal, M., Hahiree, M. K. I. M., Kendabie, P., Licea, L. C. S., Massawe, F., Mabhaudhi, T., Modi, A. T., Berchie, J. N., Amoah, S., Faloye, B., Abberton, M., Olaniyi, O., & Azam-Ali, S. N. (2019). Bambara groundnut: an exemplar underutilised legume for resilience under climate change. Planta, 250(3), 803–820.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 16, 2019
Online Publication Date Jul 2, 2019
Publication Date 2019-09
Deposit Date Jul 5, 2019
Publicly Available Date Jul 11, 2019
Journal Planta
Print ISSN 0032-0935
Electronic ISSN 1432-2048
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 250
Issue 3
Pages 803–820
Keywords Plant Science; Genetics
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Jul 5, 2019


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