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Plasma membrane preassociation drives β-arrestin coupling to receptors and activation

Grimes, Jak; Koszegi, Zsombor; Lanoiselée, Yann; Miljus, Tamara; O’Brien, Shannon L.; Stepniewski, Tomasz M.; Medel-Lacruz, Brian; Baidya, Mithu; Makarova, Maria; Mistry, Ravi; Goulding, Joëlle; Drube, Julia; Hoffmann, Carsten; Owen, Dylan M.; Shukla, Arun K.; Selent, Jana; Hill, Stephen J.; Calebiro, Davide

Plasma membrane preassociation drives β-arrestin coupling to receptors and activation Thumbnail


Jak Grimes

Zsombor Koszegi

Yann Lanoiselée

Tamara Miljus

Shannon L. O’Brien

Tomasz M. Stepniewski

Brian Medel-Lacruz

Mithu Baidya

Maria Makarova

Ravi Mistry

Julia Drube

Carsten Hoffmann

Dylan M. Owen

Arun K. Shukla

Jana Selent

Davide Calebiro


β-arrestin plays a key role in G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling and desensitization. Despite recent structural advances, the mechanisms that govern receptor-β-arrestin interactions at the plasma membrane of living cells remain elusive. Here, we combine single-molecule microscopy with molecular dynamics simulations to dissect the complex sequence of events involved in β-arrestin interactions with both receptors and the lipid bilayer. Unexpectedly, our results reveal that β-arrestin spontaneously inserts into the lipid bilayer and transiently interacts with receptors via lateral diffusion on the plasma membrane. Moreover, they indicate that, following receptor interaction, the plasma membrane stabilizes β-arrestin in a longer-lived, membrane-bound state, allowing it to diffuse to clathrin-coated pits separately from the activating receptor. These results expand our current understanding of β-arrestin function at the plasma membrane, revealing a critical role for β-arrestin preassociation with the lipid bilayer in facilitating its interactions with receptors and subsequent activation.


Grimes, J., Koszegi, Z., Lanoiselée, Y., Miljus, T., O’Brien, S. L., Stepniewski, T. M., Medel-Lacruz, B., Baidya, M., Makarova, M., Mistry, R., Goulding, J., Drube, J., Hoffmann, C., Owen, D. M., Shukla, A. K., Selent, J., Hill, S. J., & Calebiro, D. (2023). Plasma membrane preassociation drives β-arrestin coupling to receptors and activation. Cell, 186(10), 2238-2255.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 12, 2023
Online Publication Date May 4, 2023
Publication Date May 11, 2023
Deposit Date May 5, 2023
Publicly Available Date May 10, 2023
Journal Cell
Print ISSN 0092-8674
Electronic ISSN 1097-4172
Publisher Cell Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 186
Issue 10
Pages 2238-2255
Keywords G protein-coupled receptors; GPCR; arrestin; single-molecule microscopy; TIRF; protein-protein interactions; plasma membrane
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