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Ascorbate-mediated regulation of growth, photoprotection, and photoinhibition in Arabidopsis thaliana

Plumb, William; Townsend, Alexandra J; Rasool, Brwa; Alomrani, Sarah; Razak, Nurhayati; Karpinska, Barbara; Ruban, Alexander V; Foyer, Christine H

Ascorbate-mediated regulation of growth, photoprotection, and photoinhibition in Arabidopsis thaliana Thumbnail


William Plumb

Profile image of Alexandra Gibbs

Dr Alexandra Gibbs
Assistant Professor in Agriculture and the Environment

Brwa Rasool

Sarah Alomrani

Nurhayati Razak

Barbara Karpinska

Alexander V Ruban

Christine H Foyer


The requirements for ascorbate for growth and photosynthesis were assessed under low (LL; 250 µmol m–2 s–1) or high (HL; 1600 µmol m–2 s–1) irradiance in wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana and two ascorbate synthesis mutants (vtc2-1 and vtc2-4) that have 30% wild-type ascorbate levels. The low ascorbate mutants had the same numbers of leaves but lower rosette area and biomass than the wild type under LL. Wild-type plants experiencing HL had higher leaf ascorbate, anthocyanin, and xanthophyll pigments than under LL. In contrast, leaf ascorbate levels were not increased under HL in the mutant lines. While the degree of oxidation measured using an in vivo redox reporter in the nuclei and cytosol of the leaf epidermal and stomatal cells was similar under both irradiances in all lines, anthocyanin levels were significantly lower in the low ascorbate mutants than in the wild type under HL. Differences in the photosynthetic responses of vtc2-1 and vtc2-4 mutants were observed. Unlike vtc2-1, the vtc2-4 mutants had wild-type zeaxanthin contents. While both low ascorbate mutants had lower levels of non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence (NPQ) than the wild type under HL, qPd values were greater only in vtc2-1 leaves. Ascorbate is therefore essential for growth but not for photoprotection.


Plumb, W., Townsend, A. J., Rasool, B., Alomrani, S., Razak, N., Karpinska, B., Ruban, A. V., & Foyer, C. H. (2018). Ascorbate-mediated regulation of growth, photoprotection, and photoinhibition in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69(11), 2823-2835.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 27, 2018
Online Publication Date May 3, 2018
Publication Date May 11, 2018
Deposit Date Apr 12, 2023
Publicly Available Date Apr 19, 2023
Journal Journal of Experimental Botany
Print ISSN 0022-0957
Electronic ISSN 1460-2431
Publisher Oxford University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 69
Issue 11
Pages 2823-2835
Keywords Plant Science; Physiology
Public URL
Publisher URL


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