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Burgers’ equation in the complex plane

VandenHeuvel, Daniel J.; Lustri, Christopher J.; King, John R.; Turner, Ian W.; McCue, Scott W.

Burgers’ equation in the complex plane Thumbnail


Daniel J. VandenHeuvel

Christopher J. Lustri

Ian W. Turner

Scott W. McCue


Burgers' equation is a well-studied model in applied mathematics with connections to the Navier-Stokes equations in one spatial direction and traffic flow, for example. Following on from previous work, we analyse solutions to Burgers' equation in the complex plane, concentrating on the dynamics of the complex singularities and their relationship to the solution on the real line. For an initial condition with a simple pole in each of the upper-and lower-half planes, we apply formal asymptotics in the small-and large-time limits in order to characterise the initial and later motion of the singularities. The small-time limit highlights how infinitely many singularities are born at t = 0 and how they orientate themselves to lie increasingly close to anti-Stokes lines in the far field of the inner problem. This inner problem also reveals whether or not the closest singularity to the real axis moves toward the axis or away. For intermediate times, we use the exact solution, apply method of steepest descents, and implement the AAA approximation to track the complex singularities. Connections are made between the motion of the closest singularity to the real axis and the steepness of the solution on the real line. While Burgers' equation is integrable (and has an exact solution), we deliberately apply a mix of techniques in our analysis in an attempt to develop methodology that can be applied to other nonlinear partial differential equations that do not.


VandenHeuvel, D. J., Lustri, C. J., King, J. R., Turner, I. W., & McCue, S. W. (2023). Burgers’ equation in the complex plane. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 448, Article 133686.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 10, 2023
Online Publication Date Mar 15, 2023
Publication Date 2023-06
Deposit Date Apr 7, 2023
Publicly Available Date Mar 16, 2024
Journal Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
Print ISSN 0167-2789
Electronic ISSN 1872-8022
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 448
Article Number 133686
Keywords Burgers' equation; complex singularities; matched asymptotic expansions; parabolic cylinder functions; anti-Stokes lines; AAA algorithm
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