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Microgrid Energy Management Using a Two Stage Rolling Horizon Technique for Controlling an Energy Storage System

Elkazaz, Mahmoud; Sumner, Mark; Pholboon, Seksak; Thomas, David

Microgrid Energy Management Using a Two Stage Rolling Horizon Technique for Controlling an Energy Storage System Thumbnail


Mahmoud Elkazaz

Professor of Electrical Energy Systems

Seksak Pholboon

David Thomas


In this paper, a new Energy Management (EM) strategy is proposed which uses a two-stage rolling horizon (RH) technique to control a battery energy storage system (BESS). The objectives of the control are to increase the self-consumption of the renewable energy resources (RES) and minimize the daily cost of the energy drawn from the main electrical grid. Mixed integer linear programming (MILP) optimization is used as a part of the RH technique to obtain the optimal control settings for the BESS. Using the RH technique and processing the control signals with two different time periods gives more optimal BESS settings which can overcome the errors associated with load prediction and operational constraints. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed strategy can benefit MG customers and satisfy different market conditions.


Elkazaz, M., Sumner, M., Pholboon, S., & Thomas, D. (2018). Microgrid Energy Management Using a Two Stage Rolling Horizon Technique for Controlling an Energy Storage System. .

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (Published)
Conference Name 2018 7th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA)
Start Date Oct 14, 2018
End Date Oct 17, 2018
Acceptance Date Jul 1, 2018
Online Publication Date Dec 10, 2018
Publication Date Oct 14, 2018
Deposit Date Apr 30, 2019
Publicly Available Date May 15, 2019
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Pages 324-329
ISBN 9781538659823
Keywords State of charge, Optimization, Mathematical model, Microgrids, Mixed integer linear programming, Linear programming, Batteries
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Contract Date Apr 30, 2019


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