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Glass microparticle‐ versus microsphere‐filled experimental dental adhesives

Abou Neel, Ensanya A.; Kiani, Azadeh; Valappil, Sabeel P.; Mordan, Nicky M.; Baek, Song‐Yi; Zakir Hossain, Kazi M.; Felfel, Reda M.; Ahmed, Ifty; Divakarl, Kamini; Chrzanowski, Wojciech; Knowles, Jonathan C.

Glass microparticle‐ versus microsphere‐filled experimental dental adhesives Thumbnail


Ensanya A. Abou Neel

Azadeh Kiani

Sabeel P. Valappil

Nicky M. Mordan

Song‐Yi Baek

Kazi M. Zakir Hossain

Reda M. Felfel

Kamini Divakarl

Wojciech Chrzanowski

Jonathan C. Knowles


This study aimed to formulate antibacterial dental adhesives. Phosphate‐substituted methacrylate adhesives were modified with 0–20 wt % copper‐doped glass microparticles. Two shapes of microparticles were used: regular shaped (microspheres) and irregular shaped (microparticles). The morphology/composition, roughness, monomer conversion (DC%), thermogravimetric analysis, and antibacterial action against S. mutans and P. aeruginosa and ion release were investigated. The results showed that microspheres produced adhesives with a relatively smoother surface than microparticles did. The DC% of adhesives increased with increasing glass filler content. Filled adhesives showed polymer decomposition at ~315 °C and glass melting at 600–1000 °C. The weight loss percent of adhesives decreased with increasing weight percent of fillers. Glass microparticles at 0–20 wt % significantly increased the antibacterial action of adhesives against both bacteria. Glass microspheres at 0–5 wt % significantly increased the antibacterial action of adhesives against both bacteria. Only 20 wt % microparticle‐filled adhesive showed an inhibition zone similar to tobramycin (positive control). Microparticle‐filled adhesives (with >5 wt % filler) significantly reduced S. mutans more than their microsphere counterparts. Microsphere‐filled adhesives (with ≤5 wt % filler) significantly reduced P. aeruginosa more than their microparticle counterparts. Microsphere‐filled adhesives showed higher Cu release than their microparticle counterparts. Accordingly, phosphate‐substituted methacrylate filled with glass could be used as an antibacterial adhesive.


Abou Neel, E. A., Kiani, A., Valappil, S. P., Mordan, N. M., Baek, S., Zakir Hossain, K. M., Felfel, R. M., Ahmed, I., Divakarl, K., Chrzanowski, W., & Knowles, J. C. (2019). Glass microparticle‐ versus microsphere‐filled experimental dental adhesives. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 136(32), 1-11.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 25, 2019
Online Publication Date Apr 22, 2019
Publication Date Aug 20, 2019
Deposit Date Apr 30, 2019
Publicly Available Date Apr 23, 2020
Journal Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Print ISSN 0021-8995
Electronic ISSN 1097-4628
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 136
Issue 32
Article Number 47832
Pages 1-11
Keywords adhesives; biomaterials; biomedical applications
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: bou Neel, E. A., Kiani, A., Valappil, S. P., Mordan, N. M., Yi Baek, S., Zakir Hossain, K. M., Felfel, R. M, Ahmed, I., Divakarl, K., Chrzanowski, W., Knowles, J. C. ( 2019), Glass microparticle‐ versus microsphere‐filled experimental dental adhesives. J Appl Polym Sci, 47832. doi:, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
Contract Date Apr 30, 2019


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