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Fourth Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2022

Smith, Jacqueline; Alfieri, James M.; Anthony, Nick; Arensburger, Peter; Athrey, Giridhar N.; Balacco, Jennifer; Balic, Adam; Bardou, Philippe; Barela, Paul; Bigot, Yves; Blackmon, Heath; Borodin, Pavel M.; Carroll, Rachel; Casono, Meya C.; Charles, Mathieu; Cheng, Hans; Chiodi, Maddie; Cigan, Lacey; Coghill, Lyndon M.; Crooijmans, Richard; Das, Neelabja; Davey, Sean; Davidian, Asya; Degalez, Fabien; Dekkers, Jack M.; Derks, Martijn; Diack, Abigail B.; Djikeng, Appolinaire; Drechsler, Yvonne; Dyomin, Alexander; Fedrigo, Olivier; Fiddaman, Steven R.; Formenti, Giulio; Frantz, Laurent A.F.; Fulton, Janet E.; Gaginskaya, Elena; Galkina, Svetlana; Gallardo, Rodrigo A.; Geibel, Johannes; Gheyas, Almas A.; Godinez, Cyrill John P.; Goodell, Ashton; Graves, Jennifer A.M.; Griffin, Darren K.; Haase, Bettina; Han, Jian-Lin; Hanotte, Olivier; Henderson, Lindsay J.; Hou, Zhuo-Cheng; Howe, Kerstin; Huynh, Lan; Ilatsia, Evans; Jarvis, Erich D.; Johnson, Sarah M.; Kaufman, Jim; Kelly, Terra; Kemp, St...

Fourth Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2022 Thumbnail


Jacqueline Smith

James M. Alfieri

Nick Anthony

Peter Arensburger

Giridhar N. Athrey

Jennifer Balacco

Adam Balic

Philippe Bardou

Paul Barela

Yves Bigot

Heath Blackmon

Pavel M. Borodin

Rachel Carroll

Meya C. Casono

Mathieu Charles

Hans Cheng

Maddie Chiodi

Lacey Cigan

Lyndon M. Coghill

Richard Crooijmans

Neelabja Das

Sean Davey

Asya Davidian

Fabien Degalez

Jack M. Dekkers

Martijn Derks

Abigail B. Diack

Appolinaire Djikeng

Yvonne Drechsler

Alexander Dyomin

Olivier Fedrigo

Steven R. Fiddaman

Giulio Formenti

Laurent A.F. Frantz

Janet E. Fulton

Elena Gaginskaya

Svetlana Galkina

Rodrigo A. Gallardo

Johannes Geibel

Almas A. Gheyas

Cyrill John P. Godinez

Ashton Goodell

Jennifer A.M. Graves

Darren K. Griffin

Bettina Haase

Jian-Lin Han

Director of Frozen Ark Project & Professor of Genetics & Conservation

Lindsay J. Henderson

Zhuo-Cheng Hou

Kerstin Howe

Lan Huynh

Evans Ilatsia

Erich D. Jarvis

Sarah M. Johnson

Jim Kaufman

Terra Kelly

Steve Kemp

Colin Kern

Jacob H. Keroack

Christophe Klopp

Sandrine Lagarrigue

Susan J. Lamont

Margaret Lange

Anika Lanke

Denis M. Larkin

Greger Larson

John King N. Layos

Ophélie Lebrasseur

Lyubov P. Malinovskaya

Rebecca J. Martin

Maria Luisa Martin Cerezo

Andrew S. Mason

Fiona M. McCarthy

Michael J. McGrew

Jacquelyn Mountcastle

Christine Kamidi Muhonja

William Muir

Kévin Muret

Terence D. Murphy

Ismael Ng'ang'a

Masahide Nishibori

Rebecca E. O'Connor

Moses Ogugo

Ron Okimoto

Ochieng Ouko

Hardip R. Patel

Francesco Perini

María Ines Pigozzi

Krista C. Potter

Peter D. Price

Christian Reimer

Edward S. Rice

Nicolas Rocos

Thea F. Rogers

Perot Saelao

Jens Schauer

Robert D. Schnabel

Valerie A. Schneider

Henner Simianer

Adrian Smith

Mark P. Stevens

Kyle Stiers

Christian Keambou Tiambo

Michele Tixier-Boichard

Anna A. Torgasheva

Alan Tracey

Clive A. Tregaskes

Lonneke Vervelde

Ying Wang

Wesley C. Warren

Paul D. Waters

David Webb

Steffen Weigend

Anna Wolc

Alison E. Wright

Dominic Wright

Zhou Wu

Masahito Yamagata

Chentao Yang

Zhong-Tao Yin

Michelle C. Young

Guojie Zhang

Bingru Zhao

Huaijun Zhou


The chicken continues to hold its position as a leading model organism within many areas of research, as well as being a major source of protein for human consumption. The First Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes [Schmid et al., 2000], which was published in 2000, was the brainchild of the late, and sadly missed, Prof. Michael Schmid of the University of Würzburg. It was a publication bringing together updates on the latest research and resources in chicken genomics and cytogenetics. The success of this first report led to the subsequent publication of the Second [Schmid et al., 2005] and Third Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes [Schmid et al., 2015] – each also proving popular references for the research community. It is now our pleasure to be able to introduce publication of the Fourth Report. Being 7 years since the last report, this publication captures the many advances that have taken place during that time. This includes presentation of the detailed genomic resources that are now available, largely due to increasing capabilities of sequencing technologies and which herald the pangenomic age, allowing for a much richer and more complete knowledge of the avian genome. Ongoing cytogenetic work also allows for examination of chromosomes, specific elements within chromosomes, and the evolutionary history and comparison of karyotypes. We also examine chicken research efforts with a much more “global” outlook with a greater impact on food security and the impact of climate change, and highlight the efforts of international consortia, such as the Chicken Diversity Consortium. We dedicate this Report to Michael.


Smith, J., Alfieri, J. M., Anthony, N., Arensburger, P., Athrey, G. N., Balacco, J., Balic, A., Bardou, P., Barela, P., Bigot, Y., Blackmon, H., Borodin, P. M., Carroll, R., Casono, M. C., Charles, M., Cheng, H., Chiodi, M., Cigan, L., Coghill, L. M., Crooijmans, R., …Zhou, H. (2023). Fourth Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2022. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 162(8-9), 405–528.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 22, 2023
Online Publication Date Jan 30, 2023
Publication Date 2023-07
Deposit Date Feb 4, 2023
Publicly Available Date Feb 23, 2023
Journal Cytogenetic and Genome Research
Print ISSN 1424-8581
Electronic ISSN 1424-859X
Publisher Karger Publishers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 162
Issue 8-9
Pages 405–528
Keywords Genetics (clinical), Genetics, Molecular Biology
Public URL
Publisher URL


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