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Mechanical properties of cold-formed steel semi-oval hollow sections after exposure to ISO-834 fire

Chen, Man-Tai; Pandey, Madhup; Young, Ben


Man-Tai Chen

Profile image of MADHUP PANDEY


Ben Young


Due to modern architectural requirements, the applications of novel tubular sections are getting more and more popular. The semi-oval hollow section (SOHS) is one of the novels and recently developed tubular sections, and the post-fire mechanical properties of cold-formed steel semi-oval hollow section (CFSSOHS) members are not yet known. Thus, this paper presents a test programme to investigate the mechanical properties of CFSSOHS members after ISO-834 standard fire (ISO-834, 1999, [1]) exposures in a gas furnace. The CFSSOHS members were made of Q345 steel grade and obtained by cold-forming of hot-extruded seamless circular hollow section members. In total, 4 identical sets (i.e., set-1, 2, 3 and 4) of CFSSOHS members were prepared, and then heated up to different fire exposure temperatures of 300 °C, 550 °C, 750 °C, and 900 °C respectively, followed by their natural cooling inside the gas furnace. Once cooled down to ambient temperature, a total of 51 post-fire longitudinal tensile coupon specimens were fabricated. From each fire exposed CFSSOHS member, coupon specimens were extracted from the flat, curved, and corner portions of the sections. Using the static post-fire stress–strain curves, residual mechanical properties and corresponding residual factors were determined. Empirical equations were proposed to predict the post-fire residual mechanical properties of CFSSOHS members. In addition, using a scanning electron microscope, microstructures of a typical CFSSOHS member for all 4 fire exposure temperatures were compared with those without fire exposed specimens.


Chen, M.-T., Pandey, M., & Young, B. (2021). Mechanical properties of cold-formed steel semi-oval hollow sections after exposure to ISO-834 fire. Thin-Walled Structures, 167, Article 108202.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 15, 2021
Online Publication Date Jul 30, 2021
Publication Date 2021-10
Deposit Date Mar 29, 2023
Journal Thin-Walled Structures
Print ISSN 0263-8231
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 167
Article Number 108202
Keywords Mechanical Engineering; Building and Construction; Civil and Structural Engineering
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This article is maintained by: Elsevier; Article Title: Mechanical properties of cold-formed steel semi-oval hollow sections after exposure to ISO-834 fire; Journal Title: Thin-Walled Structures; CrossRef DOI link to publisher maintained version:; Content Type: article; Copyright: © 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.