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Staff perceptions of e-learning for teaching delivery in healthcare

Blake, Holly

Staff perceptions of e-learning for teaching delivery in healthcare Thumbnail



Background: Web‐based e‐learning methods are increasingly used in higher education to support learning in pre‐ and post‐registration healthcare subjects. Although new technologies are central to teaching and learning strategies, e‐learning is not currently accepted universally by academic staff.

Aim: The aim of the study was to determine the attitudes towards and use of e‐learning among academic staff in nursing and midwifery.

Methods: A questionnaire survey was completed by 102 teaching staff to determine their opinions towards and use of e‐learning in teaching.

Results: Staff opinions were divergent with most acknowledging the benefits of e‐learning but many also expressing concerns over barriers such as lack of time, resources or technical support. Staff did not fully utilize the range of technologies available.

Conclusion: Most staff exhibited positive attitudes towards the pedagogical value of technology in teaching and learning, though some remained hesitant or lacking in confidence to embark on e‐learning teaching developments or delivery. Barriers exist that may be partially addressed through better understanding of e‐learning tools and their potential application, and additional support and resources. E‐learning strategies need to focus on improving staff awareness of e‐learning methods to supplement rather than replace traditional teaching methods, while providing ongoing support and mentoring for development and delivery, technological training and incentives for staff involvement.


Blake, H. (2009). Staff perceptions of e-learning for teaching delivery in healthcare. Learning in Health and Social Care, 8(3), 223-234.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 30, 2009
Online Publication Date Aug 23, 2009
Publication Date Sep 30, 2009
Deposit Date Oct 11, 2018
Publicly Available Date Oct 11, 2018
Journal Learning in Health and Social Care
Print ISSN 1473-6853
Electronic ISSN 1473-6861
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 8
Issue 3
Pages 223-234
Keywords Technology, e-learning, higher education, academic staff, nursing, midwifery
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Blake, H., 2009. Staff perceptions of e-learning for teaching delivery
in healthcare. Learning in Health and Social Care. 8(3), 223-234, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
Contract Date Oct 11, 2018


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