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What Truth Is

Jago, Mark



© Mark Jago 2018. What Truth Is presents and defends a novel theory of what truth is, in terms of the metaphysical notion of truthmaking. This is the relation which holds between a truth and some entity in the world, in virtue of which that truth is true. By coming to an understanding of this relation, I argue, we gain better insight into the metaphysics of truth. The first part of the book discusses the property being true, and how we should understand it in terms of truthmaking. The second part focuses on truthmakers, the worldly entities which make various kinds of truths true, and how they do so. I argue for a metaphysics of states of affairs, which account for things having properties and standing in relations. The third part analyses the logic and metaphysics of the truthmaking relation itself, and links it to the metaphysical concept of grounding. The final part discusses consequences of the theory for language and logic. I show how the theory delivers a novel and useful theory of propositions, the entities which are true or false, depending on how things are. One feature of this approach is that it avoids the Liar paradox and other puzzling paradoxes of truth.


Jago, M. (2018). What Truth Is. Oxford University Press.

Book Type Authored Book
Publication Date May 24, 2018
Deposit Date Sep 7, 2017
Publisher Oxford University Press
ISBN 9780198823810
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Contract Date Dec 21, 2016

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