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Integrated (epi)-Genomic Analyses Identify Subgroup-Specific Therapeutic Targets in CNS Rhabdoid Tumors

Torchia, Jonathon; Golbourn, Brian; Feng, Shengrui; Ching Ho, King; Sin-Chan, Patrick; Vasiljevic, Alexandre; Norman, Joseph D.; Guilhamon, Paul; Garzia, Livia; Agamez, Natalia R.; Lu, Mei; Chan, Tiffany S.; Picard, Daniel; de Antonellis, Pasqualino; Khuong-Quang, Dong-Anh; Planello, Aline C.; Zeller, Constanze; Barsyte-Lovejoy, Dalia; Lafay-Cousin, Lucie; Letourneau, Louis; Bourgey, Mathieu; Yu, Man; Gendoo, Deena M.A.; Dzamba, Misko; Barszczyk, Mark; Medina, Tiago; Riemenschneider, Alexandra N.; Morrissy, Sorana; Ra, Young-Shin; Ramaswamy, Vijay; Remke, Marc; Dunham, Christopher P.; Yip, Stephen; Ng, Ho-keung; Lu, Jian-Qiang; Mehta, Vivek; Albrecht, Steffen; Pimentel, Jose; Chan, Jennifer A.; Somers, Gino R.; Faria, Claudia C.; Roque, Lucia; Fouladi, Maryam; Hoffman, Lindsey M.; Moore, Andrew S.; Wang, Yin; Ah Choi, Seung; Hansford, Jordan R.; Catchpoole, Daniel; Birks, Diane K.; Foreman, Nicholas K.; Strother, Doug; Klekner, Almos; Bogn?r, Laszl?; Garami, Mikl?s; Hauser, P?ter; Hort...


Jonathon Torchia

Brian Golbourn

Shengrui Feng

King Ching Ho

Patrick Sin-Chan

Alexandre Vasiljevic

Joseph D. Norman

Paul Guilhamon

Livia Garzia

Natalia R. Agamez

Mei Lu

Tiffany S. Chan

Daniel Picard

Pasqualino de Antonellis

Dong-Anh Khuong-Quang

Aline C. Planello

Constanze Zeller

Dalia Barsyte-Lovejoy

Lucie Lafay-Cousin

Louis Letourneau

Mathieu Bourgey

Man Yu

Deena M.A. Gendoo

Misko Dzamba

Mark Barszczyk

Tiago Medina

Alexandra N. Riemenschneider

Sorana Morrissy

Young-Shin Ra

Vijay Ramaswamy

Marc Remke

Christopher P. Dunham

Stephen Yip

Ho-keung Ng

Jian-Qiang Lu

Vivek Mehta

Steffen Albrecht

Jose Pimentel

Jennifer A. Chan

Gino R. Somers

Claudia C. Faria

Lucia Roque

Maryam Fouladi

Lindsey M. Hoffman

Andrew S. Moore

Yin Wang

Seung Ah Choi

Jordan R. Hansford

Daniel Catchpoole

Diane K. Birks

Nicholas K. Foreman

Doug Strother

Almos Klekner

Laszl� Bogn�r

Mikl�s Garami

P�ter Hauser

Tibor Hortob�gyi

Beverly Wilson

Juliette Hukin

Anne-Sophie Carret

Timothy E. Van Meter

Eugene I. Hwang

Amar Gajjar

Shih-Hwa Chiou

Hideo Nakamura

Helen Toledano

Iris Fried

Daniel Fults

Takafumi Wataya

Chris Fryer

David D. Eisenstat

Katrin Scheinemann

Adam J. Fleming

Donna L. Johnston

Jean Michaud

Shayna Zelcer

Robert Hammond

Samina Afzal

David A. Ramsay

Nongnuch Sirachainan

Suradej Hongeng

Noppadol Larbcharoensub

Professor of Paediatric Neuro-Oncology

Rishi R. Lulla

Jason R. Fangusaro

Harriet Druker

Ute Bartels

Ronald Grant

David Malkin

Jane McGlade

Theodore Nicolaides

Tarik Tihan

Joanna Phillips

Jacek Majewski

Alexandre Montpetit

Guillaume Bourque

Gary D. Bader

Alyssa T. Reddy

Yancey Gillespie

Monika Warmuth-Metz

Stefan Rutkowski

Uri Tabori

Mathieu Lupien

Michael Brudno

Ulrich Sch�ller

Torsten Pietsch

Alexander R. Judkins

Cynthia E. Hawkins

Eric Bouffet

Seung-Ki Kim

Peter B. Dirks

Michael D. Taylor

Anat Erdreich-Epstein

Cheryl H. Arrowsmith

Daniel D. De Carvalho

James T. Rutka

Nada Jabado

Annie Huang


We recently reported that atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumors (ATRTs) comprise at least two transcriptional subtypes with different clinical outcomes; however, the mechanisms underlying therapeutic heterogeneity remained unclear. In this study, we analyzed 191 primary ATRTs and 10 ATRT cell lines to define the genomic and epigenomic landscape of ATRTs and identify subgroup-specific therapeutic targets. We found ATRTs segregated into three epigenetic subgroups with distinct genomic profiles, SMARCB1 genotypes, and chromatin landscape that correlated with differential cellular responses to a panel of signaling and epigenetic inhibitors. Significantly, we discovered that differential methylation of a PDGFRB-associated enhancer confers specific sensitivity of group 2 ATRT cells to dasatinib and nilotinib, and suggest that these are promising therapies for this highly lethal ATRT subtype.


Torchia, J., Golbourn, B., Feng, S., Ching Ho, K., Sin-Chan, P., Vasiljevic, A., …Huang, A. (2016). Integrated (epi)-Genomic Analyses Identify Subgroup-Specific Therapeutic Targets in CNS Rhabdoid Tumors. Cancer Cell, 30(6), 891-908.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 31, 2016
Online Publication Date Dec 12, 2016
Publication Date Dec 12, 2016
Deposit Date Aug 25, 2017
Journal Cancer Cell
Print ISSN 1535-6108
Electronic ISSN 1878-3686
Publisher Cell Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 30
Issue 6
Pages 891-908
Public URL
Publisher URL
PMID 27960086