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A roadmap for the conservation of freshwater mussels in Europe

Sousa, Ronaldo; Zając, Tadeusz; Halabowski, Dariusz; Aksenova, Olga V.; Bespalaya, Yulia V.; Carvalho, Francisco; Castro, Paulo; Douda, Karel; da Silva, Janine P.; Ferreira-Rodríguez, Noé; Geist, Juergen; Gumpinger, Clemens; Labecka, Anna M.; Lajtner, Jasna; Lewin, Iga; Lopes-Lima, Manuel; Meira, Alexandra; Nakamura, Keiko; Nogueira, Joana Garrido; Ondina, Paz; Ożgo, Małgorzata; Reis, Joaquim; Riccardi, Nicoletta; Shumka, Spase; Son, Mikhail O.; Teixeira, Amílcar; Thielen, Frankie; Urbańska, Maria; Varandas, Simone; Wengström, Niklas; Zając, Katarzyna; Zieritz, Alexandra; Aldridge, David C.

A roadmap for the conservation of freshwater mussels in Europe Thumbnail


Ronaldo Sousa

Tadeusz Zając

Dariusz Halabowski

Olga V. Aksenova

Yulia V. Bespalaya

Francisco Carvalho

Paulo Castro

Karel Douda

Janine P. da Silva

Noé Ferreira-Rodríguez

Juergen Geist

Clemens Gumpinger

Anna M. Labecka

Jasna Lajtner

Iga Lewin

Manuel Lopes-Lima

Alexandra Meira

Keiko Nakamura

Joana Garrido Nogueira

Paz Ondina

Małgorzata Ożgo

Joaquim Reis

Nicoletta Riccardi

Spase Shumka

Mikhail O. Son

Amílcar Teixeira

Frankie Thielen

Maria Urbańska

Simone Varandas

Niklas Wengström

Katarzyna Zając

David C. Aldridge


Europe has a long history of human pressure on freshwater ecosystems. As pressure continues to grow and new threats emerge, there is an urgent need for conservation of freshwater biodiversity and its ecosystem services. However, whilst some taxonomic groups, mainly vertebrates, have received a disproportionate amount of attention and funds, other groups remain largely off the public and scientific radar. Freshwater mussels (Bivalvia, Unionida) are an alarming example of this conservation bias and here we point out six conceptual areas that need immediate and long-term attention: knowledge, threats, socioeconomics, conservation, governance and education. The proposed roadmap aims to advance research, policy and education by identifying the most pressing priorities for the short- and long-term conservation of freshwater mussels across Europe.


Sousa, R., Zając, T., Halabowski, D., Aksenova, O. V., Bespalaya, Y. V., Carvalho, F., Castro, P., Douda, K., da Silva, J. P., Ferreira-Rodríguez, N., Geist, J., Gumpinger, C., Labecka, A. M., Lajtner, J., Lewin, I., Lopes-Lima, M., Meira, A., Nakamura, K., Nogueira, J. G., Ondina, P., …Aldridge, D. C. (2023). A roadmap for the conservation of freshwater mussels in Europe. Conservation Biology, 37(2), Article e13994.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 28, 2022
Online Publication Date Oct 10, 2022
Publication Date Apr 1, 2023
Deposit Date Oct 10, 2022
Publicly Available Date Oct 12, 2022
Journal Conservation Biology
Print ISSN 0888-8892
Electronic ISSN 1523-1739
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 37
Issue 2
Article Number e13994
Keywords Nature and Landscape Conservation; Ecology; Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
Public URL
Publisher URL


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