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Identification of novel quantitative trait loci for resistance to Fusarium seedling blight caused by Microdochium majus and M. nivale in wheat

Ren, Runsheng; Foulkes, John; Mayes, Sean; Yang, Xingping; Ray, Rumiana V.


Runsheng Ren

Xingping Yang


Microdochium nivale and Microdochium majus are important causal agents of Fusarium seedling blight (FSB) and Fusarium head blight (FHB) in wheat and other cereals worldwide. A doubled-haploid population derived from a cross between the winter wheat Rialto and a CIMMYT spring wheat advanced line LSP2, differing in susceptibility to FSB and FHB, was assessed for resistance against the diseases caused by individual Microdochium species under controlled environment and field conditions. A linkage map constructed with DArT and SSR markers was used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for resistance against the FSB and FHB. Single, major QTLs for resistance to FSB caused by M. majus and M. nivale were found on the chromosomes 1AL and 2BS, respectively. The total phenotypic variation accounted for by the individual QTLs ranged from 42.2% to 57.7% depending on the causal organism of the disease. QTLs for emergence rate of infected seeds with both Microdochium species were also identified on chromosomes 1B and 2DS. Three QTLs conferring FHB resistance to M. majus were mapped on chromosomes 1D, 4B and 5A, explaining a total of 35.1% of the phenotypic variance. One QTL conferring FHB resistance to M. nivale was detected on chromosome 6B and accounted for 20.7% of the total phenotypic variance. We show that QTLs for resistance to FSB and FHB caused by M. majus and M. nivale are different and likely to be species-specific, suggesting that improved resistance to the diseases of the Fusarium complex can be achieved by combining their effects through crop breeding.


Ren, R., Foulkes, J., Mayes, S., Yang, X., & Ray, R. V. (2016). Identification of novel quantitative trait loci for resistance to Fusarium seedling blight caused by Microdochium majus and M. nivale in wheat. Field Crops Research, 191, 1-12.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 24, 2016
Online Publication Date Apr 3, 2016
Publication Date May 1, 2016
Deposit Date Aug 18, 2018
Journal Field Crops Research
Print ISSN 0378-4290
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 191
Pages 1-12
Public URL