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Coarse-graining and renormalisation group methods for the elucidation of the kinetics of complex nucleation and growth processes

Coveney, Peter V.; Wattis, Jonathan A.D.

Coarse-graining and renormalisation group methods for the elucidation of the kinetics of complex nucleation and growth processes Thumbnail


Peter V. Coveney


We review our work on generalisations of the Becker-Doring model of cluster-formation as applied to nucleation theory, polymer growth kinetics, and the formation of upramolecular structures in colloidal chemistry. One valuable tool in analysing mathematical models of these systems has been the coarse-graining approximation which enables macroscopic models for observable quantities to be derived from microscopic ones. This permits assumptions about the detailed molecular mechanisms to be tested, and their influence on the large-scale kinetics of surfactant self-assembly to be elucidated. We also summarise our more recent results on Becker-Doring systems, notably demonstrating that cross-inhibition and autocatalysis can
destabilise a uniform solution and lead to a competitive environment in which some species flourish at the expense of others, phenomena relevant in models of the origins of life.


Coveney, P. V., & Wattis, J. A. Coarse-graining and renormalisation group methods for the elucidation of the kinetics of complex nucleation and growth processes. Molecular Physics, 104,

Journal Article Type Article
Deposit Date Jul 24, 2008
Journal Molecular Physics
Print ISSN 0026-8976
Electronic ISSN 1362-3028
Publisher Taylor and Francis
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 104
Keywords nucleation, aggregation, coagulation, kinetics, renormalisation
Public URL


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