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Outputs (18)

A cultural shock doctrine? Austerity, the neoliberal state and the creative industries discourse (2014)
Journal Article
Newsinger, J. (2015). A cultural shock doctrine? Austerity, the neoliberal state and the creative industries discourse. Media, Culture and Society, 37(2), 302-313.

A number of writers have made the argument that the development creative industries policy discourse in the United Kingdom and elsewhere represents the articulation of a politics that is neoliberal in character. The marginalisation of Blairism in the... Read More about A cultural shock doctrine? Austerity, the neoliberal state and the creative industries discourse.

Pararchive: Open Access Community Storytelling and the Digital Archive (2014)
Journal Article
Mutibwa, D. H., & Philip, F. (2014). Pararchive: Open Access Community Storytelling and the Digital Archive. Viewfinder,

Funded under the AHRC Digital Transformations in Community Research Co-Production in the Arts and Humanities and led by Simon Popple (University of Leeds), Pararchive ( aims to co-produce a new open ‘access’ digital resource th... Read More about Pararchive: Open Access Community Storytelling and the Digital Archive.

Wearables or infrastructure: Contrasting approaches to collecting behavioural data in the home (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Shipp, V., Coughlan, T., Martindale, S., Ng, K. H., Evans, E., Mortier, R., & Reeves, S. (2014, September). Wearables or infrastructure: Contrasting approaches to collecting behavioural data in the home. Presented at 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Seattle Washington

This paper examines and contrasts two approaches to collecting behavioural data within the home. The first of these involves filming from static video cameras combined with network logging to capture media consumption activities across multiple scree... Read More about Wearables or infrastructure: Contrasting approaches to collecting behavioural data in the home.

Wearables or infrastructure: contrasting approaches to collecting behavioural data in the home (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Victoria, S., Tim, C., Sarah, M., Kher Hui, N., Elizabeth, E., Richard, M., & Stuart, R. (2014, September). Wearables or infrastructure: contrasting approaches to collecting behavioural data in the home. Presented at HomeSys 2014, Seattle, USA

This paper examines and contrasts two approaches to collecting behavioural data within the home. The first of these involves filming from static video cameras combined with network logging to capture media consumption activities across multiple scree... Read More about Wearables or infrastructure: contrasting approaches to collecting behavioural data in the home.

The American President in Film and Television: Myth, Politics and Representation (2014)
Frame, G. (2014). The American President in Film and Television: Myth, Politics and Representation. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers

As evidenced by the election of celebrity and reality television star Donald Trump, popular culture has played a vital role in the conceptualisation of political leadership. This revised edition of The American President in Film and Television explor... Read More about The American President in Film and Television: Myth, Politics and Representation.

'We're all a bunch of nutters!': the production dynamics of Alternate reality games (2014)
Journal Article
Elizabeth, E. (2014). 'We're all a bunch of nutters!': the production dynamics of Alternate reality games. International Journal of Communication, 8,

Alternate reality games (ARGs) combine transmedia and pervasive storytelling, layering fictional narratives onto real world spaces and raising a number of production challenges in the process. This article will consider the key professional skills, w... Read More about 'We're all a bunch of nutters!': the production dynamics of Alternate reality games.