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Outputs (3)

Towards Personalized Management of Ovarian Cancer (2022)
Journal Article
Algethami, M., Kulkarni, S., Sadiq, M. T., Tang, H. K., Brownlie, J., Jeyapalan, J. N., Mongan, N. P., Rakha, E. A., & Madhusudan, S. (2022). Towards Personalized Management of Ovarian Cancer. Cancer Management and Research, 14, 3469-3483.

Despite advances in surgery and chemotherapy, the overall outcomes for patients with advanced ovarian cancer remain poor. Although initial response rates to platinum-based chemotherapy is about 60–80%, most patients will have recurrence and succumb t... Read More about Towards Personalized Management of Ovarian Cancer.

Evolving DNA repair synthetic lethality targets in cancer (2022)
Journal Article
Kulkarni, S., Brownlie, J., Jeyapalan, J. N., Mongan, N. P., Rakha, E. A., & Madhusudan, S. (2022). Evolving DNA repair synthetic lethality targets in cancer. Bioscience Reports, 42(12), Article BSR20221713.

DNA damage signaling response and repair (DDR) is a critical defense mechanism against genomic instability. Impaired DNA repair capacity is an important risk factor for cancer development. On the other hand, up-regulation of DDR mechanisms is a featu... Read More about Evolving DNA repair synthetic lethality targets in cancer.

Targeting Mre11 overcomes platinum resistance and induces synthetic lethality in XRCC1 deficient epithelial ovarian cancers (2022)
Journal Article
Alblihy, A., Ali, R., Algethami, M., Shoqafi, A., Toss, M. S., Brownlie, J., Tatum, N. J., Hickson, I., Moran, P. O., Grabowska, A., Jeyapalan, J. N., Mongan, N. P., Rakha, E. A., & Madhusudan, S. (2022). Targeting Mre11 overcomes platinum resistance and induces synthetic lethality in XRCC1 deficient epithelial ovarian cancers. npj Precision Oncology, 6(1),

Platinum resistance is a clinical challenge in ovarian cancer. Platinating agents induce DNA damage which activate Mre11 nuclease directed DNA damage signalling and response (DDR). Upregulation of DDR may promote chemotherapy resistance. Here we have... Read More about Targeting Mre11 overcomes platinum resistance and induces synthetic lethality in XRCC1 deficient epithelial ovarian cancers.