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Systemic ALCL Treated in Routine Clinical Practice: Outcomes Following First-Line Chemotherapy from a Multicentre Cohort (2021)
Journal Article
Martinez-Calle, N., Kirkwood, A. A., Lamb, M., Smith, A., Khwaja, J., Manos, K., Shrubsole, C., Gray, N., Lewis, K., Tivey, A., Bishton, M. J., Hawkes, E., Ahearne, M. J., Osborne, W., Collins, G. P., Illidge, T., Linton, K. M., Cwynarski, K., Burton, C., & Fox, C. P. (2021). Systemic ALCL Treated in Routine Clinical Practice: Outcomes Following First-Line Chemotherapy from a Multicentre Cohort. Advances in Therapy, 38(7), 3789-3802.

Introduction: Brentuximab vedotin (BV)-CHP is the new standard regimen for first-line treatment of systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma (sALCL). We undertook a retrospective analysis of consecutive patients diagnosed with sALCL, treated in routine... Read More about Systemic ALCL Treated in Routine Clinical Practice: Outcomes Following First-Line Chemotherapy from a Multicentre Cohort.

Infection-related morbidity and mortality among older patients with DLBCL treated with full- or attenuated-dose R-CHOP (2021)
Journal Article
Eyre, T. A., Wilson, W., Kirkwood, A. A., Wolf, J., Hildyard, C., Plaschkes, H., Griffith, J., Fields, P., Gunawan, A., Oliver, R., Booth, S., Kothari, J., Fox, C. P., Martinez-Calle, N., McMillan, A., Bishton, M., Collins, G. P., & Hatton, C. S. R. (2021). Infection-related morbidity and mortality among older patients with DLBCL treated with full- or attenuated-dose R-CHOP. Blood Advances, 5(8), 2229-2236.

Infection-related morbidity and mortality are increased in older patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) compared with population-matched controls. Key predictive factors for infection-related hospitalization during treatment with rituxim... Read More about Infection-related morbidity and mortality among older patients with DLBCL treated with full- or attenuated-dose R-CHOP.

Refractoriness to rituximab-based therapy and elevated serum B2-microglobulin predict for inferior survival in marginal zone lymphoma (2019)
Journal Article
Sorigue, M., Bishton, M., Domingo-Domenech, E., McMillan, A., Prusila, R., García, O., Kuusisto, M., Condom, M., Tapia, G., Ribera, J.-M., Kuittinen, O., Fox, C. P., & Sancho, J.-M. (2019). Refractoriness to rituximab-based therapy and elevated serum B2-microglobulin predict for inferior survival in marginal zone lymphoma. Leukemia & Lymphoma, 60(10), 2524-2531.

Short responses to immunochemotherapy predict for an inferior OS in follicular lymphoma. We set out to determine whether this is also the case in marginal zone lymphoma. A group of 139 marginal zone lymphoma (MZL) patients treated with front-line imm... Read More about Refractoriness to rituximab-based therapy and elevated serum B2-microglobulin predict for inferior survival in marginal zone lymphoma.