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Outputs (27)

Digital physical activity intervention via the Kidney BEAM platform in patients with polycystic kidney disease: a randomised controlled trial (2025)
Journal Article
Briggs, J., Ralston, E., Wilkinson, T. J., Walklin, C., Mangahis, E., ML Young, H., Castle, E. M., Billany, R. E., Asgari, E., Bhandari, S., Bramham10, K., Burton, J. O., Campbell, J., Chilcot, J., Deelchand, V., Hamilton, A., Jesky, M., Kalra, P. A., McCafferty, K., Nixon, A. C., …Greenwood, S. A. (2025). Digital physical activity intervention via the Kidney BEAM platform in patients with polycystic kidney disease: a randomised controlled trial. Clinical Kidney Journal,

In people living with polycystic kidney disease (PKD), physical inactivity may contribute to poor health-related quality of life (HRQoL). To date, no research has elucidated the impact of a PKD-specific physical activity programme on HRQo... Read More about Digital physical activity intervention via the Kidney BEAM platform in patients with polycystic kidney disease: a randomised controlled trial.

Personalised Care in CKD: Moving Beyond Traditional Biomarkers (2025)
Journal Article
McDonnell, T., Banks, R. E., Taal, M. W., Vuilleumier, N., & Kalra, P. A. (2025). Personalised Care in CKD: Moving Beyond Traditional Biomarkers. Nephron,

The ultimate goal of precision medicine is to tailor treatment to specific disease processes, thereby optimising patient outcomes. This approach moves beyond the one-size-fits-all model, recognising at an individual level the unique combinations of m... Read More about Personalised Care in CKD: Moving Beyond Traditional Biomarkers.

The Impact of Primary Renal Diagnosis on Prognosis and the Varying Predictive Power of Albuminuria in the NURTuRE-CKD Study (2024)
Journal Article
McDonnell, T., Kalra, P. A., Vuilleumier, N., Cockwell, P., Wheeler, D. C., Fraser, S. D., Banks, R. E., & Taal, M. W. (2025). The Impact of Primary Renal Diagnosis on Prognosis and the Varying Predictive Power of Albuminuria in the NURTuRE-CKD Study. American Journal of Nephrology, 56(1), 1-12.

Introduction: The definition of CKD is broad, which neglects the heterogeneity of risk across primary renal diseases.

Methods: The National Unified Renal Translational Research Enterprise (NURTuRE)-CKD is an ongoing UK, prospective multicenter coh... Read More about The Impact of Primary Renal Diagnosis on Prognosis and the Varying Predictive Power of Albuminuria in the NURTuRE-CKD Study.

Kidney Beam - a cost-effective digital intervention to improve mental health (2024)
Journal Article
Greenwood, S. A., Briggs, J., Walklin, C., Mangahis, E., Young, H. M., Castle, E. M., Billany, R. E., Asgari, E., Bhandari, S., Bishop, N., Bramham, K., Burton, J. O., Campbell, J., Chilcot, J., Cooper, N., Deelchand, V., Graham-Brown, M. P., Haggis, L., Hamilton, A., Jesky, M., …Macdonald, J. (2024). Kidney Beam - a cost-effective digital intervention to improve mental health. Kidney International Reports, 9(11), 3204-3217.

Introduction: There is inequity in the provision of physical rehabilitation services for people living with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The Kidney BEAM trial evaluated the clinical value and cost effectiveness of a physical activity digital health... Read More about Kidney Beam - a cost-effective digital intervention to improve mental health.

Optimizing kidney and cardiovascular protection in an era of multiple effective treatments (2024)
Journal Article
Taal, M. W. (2024). Optimizing kidney and cardiovascular protection in an era of multiple effective treatments. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension, 33(6), 551-556.

Purpose of review After decades of relying on the control of hypertension and treatment with renin angiotensin system inhibitors as the only evidence-based interventions to slow the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD), we have entered an era... Read More about Optimizing kidney and cardiovascular protection in an era of multiple effective treatments.

Accuracy of glomerular filtration rate estimation using creatinine and cystatin C for identifying and monitoring moderate chronic kidney disease: the eGFR-C study. (2024)
Journal Article
Lamb, E. J., Barratt, J., Brettell, E. A., Cockwell, P., Dalton, R. N., Deeks, J. J., Eaglestone, G., Pellatt-Higgins, T., Kalra, P. A., Khunti, K., Loud, F. C., Ottridge, R. S., Potter, A., Rowe, C., Scandrett, K., Sitch, A. J., Stevens, P. E., Sharpe, C. C., Shinkins, B., Smith, A., …Taal, M. W. (2024). Accuracy of glomerular filtration rate estimation using creatinine and cystatin C for identifying and monitoring moderate chronic kidney disease: the eGFR-C study. Health Technology Assessment, 28(35), 1-169.

Background: Estimation of glomerular filtration rate using equations based on creatinine is widely used to manage chronic kidney disease. In the UK, the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration creatinine equation is recommended. Other publi... Read More about Accuracy of glomerular filtration rate estimation using creatinine and cystatin C for identifying and monitoring moderate chronic kidney disease: the eGFR-C study..

Discontinuation of anti-tumour necrosis factor alpha treatment owing to blood test abnormalities, and cost-effectiveness of alternate blood monitoring strategies (2024)
Journal Article
Abhishek, A., Stevenson, M. D., Nakafero, G., Grainge, M. J., Evans, I., Alabas, O., Card, T., Taal, M. W., Aithal, G. P., Fox, C. P., Mallen, C. D., van der Windt, D. A., Riley, R. D., Warren, R. B., & Williams, H. C. (2024). Discontinuation of anti-tumour necrosis factor alpha treatment owing to blood test abnormalities, and cost-effectiveness of alternate blood monitoring strategies. British Journal of Dermatology, 190(4), 559-564.

Background: There is no evidence base to support the use of 6-monthly monitoring blood tests for the early detection of liver, blood and renal toxicity during established anti-tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) treatment. Objectives: To evaluate the... Read More about Discontinuation of anti-tumour necrosis factor alpha treatment owing to blood test abnormalities, and cost-effectiveness of alternate blood monitoring strategies.