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Translational Analysis of Moderate to Severe Asthma GWAS Signals Into Candidate Causal Genes and Their Functional, Tissue-Dependent and Disease-Related Associations (2021)
Journal Article
Portelli, M. A., Rakkar, K., Hu, S., Guo, Y., Adcock, I. M., & Sayers, I. (2021). Translational Analysis of Moderate to Severe Asthma GWAS Signals Into Candidate Causal Genes and Their Functional, Tissue-Dependent and Disease-Related Associations. Frontiers in Allergy, 2, Article 738741.

Asthma affects more than 300 million people globally and is both under diagnosed and under treated. The most recent and largest genome-wide association study investigating moderate to severe asthma to date was carried out in 2019 and identified 25 in... Read More about Translational Analysis of Moderate to Severe Asthma GWAS Signals Into Candidate Causal Genes and Their Functional, Tissue-Dependent and Disease-Related Associations.