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Recommendations for reproducibility of cerebrospinal fluid extracellular vesicle studies (2023)
Journal Article
Sandau, U. S., Magaña, S. M., Costa, J., Nolan, J. P., Ikezu, T., Vella, L. J., Jackson, H. K., Moreira, L. R., Palacio, P. L., Hill, A. F., Quinn, J. F., Van Keuren‐Jensen, K. R., McFarland, T. J., Palade, J., Sribnick, E. A., Su, H., Vekrellis, K., Coyle, B., Yang, Y., Falcón‐Perez, J. M., …International Society for Extracellular Vesicles Cerebrospinal Fluid Task Force. (2023). Recommendations for reproducibility of cerebrospinal fluid extracellular vesicle studies. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 13(1), Article 12397.

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear, transparent fluid derived from blood plasma that protects the brain and spinal cord against mechanical shock, provides buoyancy, clears metabolic waste and transports extracellular components to remote sites in t... Read More about Recommendations for reproducibility of cerebrospinal fluid extracellular vesicle studies.

Extracellular Vesicles Potentiate Medulloblastoma Metastasis in an EMMPRIN and MMP-2 Dependent Manner (2023)
Journal Article
Jackson, H. K., Mitoko, C., Linke, F., Macarthur, D., Kerr, I. D., & Coyle, B. (2023). Extracellular Vesicles Potentiate Medulloblastoma Metastasis in an EMMPRIN and MMP-2 Dependent Manner. Cancers, 15(9), Article 2601.

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have emerged as pivotal mediators of communication in the tumour microenvironment. More specifically, nanosized extracellular vesicles termed exosomes have been shown to contribute to the establishment of a premetastatic... Read More about Extracellular Vesicles Potentiate Medulloblastoma Metastasis in an EMMPRIN and MMP-2 Dependent Manner.