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Outputs (59)

Incidence, risk factors and outcomes of checkpoint inhibitor-induced liver injury: A 10-year real-world retrospective cohort study (2023)
Journal Article
Atallah, E., Welsh, S. J., O'Carrigan, B., Oshaughnessy, A., Dolapo, I., Kerr, A. S., Kucharczak, J., Lee, C., Crooks, C., Hicks, A., Chimakurthi, C. R., Rao, A., Franks, H., Patel, P. M., & Aithal, G. P. (2023). Incidence, risk factors and outcomes of checkpoint inhibitor-induced liver injury: A 10-year real-world retrospective cohort study. JHEP Reports, 5(10), Article 100851.

Background & Aims: Checkpoint inhibitors (CPI) account for increasing numbers of drug-induced liver injury (DILI) cases. We aimed to determine the incidence rate and risk factors associated with checkpoint inhibitor-induced liver injury (ChILI). Meth... Read More about Incidence, risk factors and outcomes of checkpoint inhibitor-induced liver injury: A 10-year real-world retrospective cohort study.

Application and Extension of the Alcohol Recovery Narratives Conceptual Framework (2023)
Journal Article
Subhani, M., Talat, U., Knight, H., Morling, J. R., Jones, K. A., Aithal, G. P., Ryder, S. D., & Rennick-Egglestone, S. (2023). Application and Extension of the Alcohol Recovery Narratives Conceptual Framework. Qualitative Health Research, 33(13), 1203-1217.

Recovery narratives are personal stories of health problems and recovery. A systematic review proposed a conceptual framework characterising alcohol misuse recovery narratives, consisting of eight principal dimensions, each with types and subtypes. T... Read More about Application and Extension of the Alcohol Recovery Narratives Conceptual Framework.

Biomarkers of Type IV Collagen Turnover Reflect Disease Activity in Patients with Early-Stage Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL) (2023)
Journal Article
Lønsmann, I., Grove, J. I., Haider, A., Kaye, P., Karsdal, M. A., Leeming, D. J., & Aithal, G. P. (2023). Biomarkers of Type IV Collagen Turnover Reflect Disease Activity in Patients with Early-Stage Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL). Biology, 12(8), Article 1087.

Background: Identification of progressive liver disease necessitates the finding of novel non-invasive methods to identify and monitor patients in need of early intervention. Investigating patients with early-liver injury may help identify unique bio... Read More about Biomarkers of Type IV Collagen Turnover Reflect Disease Activity in Patients with Early-Stage Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL).

Patients with Naproxen-Induced Liver Injury Display T-cell Memory Responses Towards an Oxidative (S)-O-Desmethyl Naproxen Metabolite but not the Acyl Glucuronide (2023)
Journal Article
Thomson, P., Fragkas, N., Kafu, L., Aithal, G., Lucena, M., Terracciano, L., Meng, X., Pirmohamed, M., Brees, D., Kullak-Ublick, G., Odermatt, A., Hammond, T., Kammuller, M., & Naisbitt, D. (2024). Patients with Naproxen-Induced Liver Injury Display T-cell Memory Responses Towards an Oxidative (S)-O-Desmethyl Naproxen Metabolite but not the Acyl Glucuronide. Allergy, 79(1), 200-214.

Background: Exposure to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (IBU) and naproxen (NAP) is associated with idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury (DILI). Carboxylate bioactivation into reactive metabolites (e.g. acyl glucur... Read More about Patients with Naproxen-Induced Liver Injury Display T-cell Memory Responses Towards an Oxidative (S)-O-Desmethyl Naproxen Metabolite but not the Acyl Glucuronide.

Associations of objectively measured physical activity, sedentary time and cardiorespiratory fitness with adipose tissue insulin resistance and ectopic fat (2023)
Journal Article
Malaikah, S., Willis, S. A., Henson, J., Sargeant, J. A., Yates, T., Thackray, A. E., Goltz, F. R., Roberts, M. J., Bodicoat, D. H., Aithal, G. P., Stensel, D. J., & King, J. A. (2023). Associations of objectively measured physical activity, sedentary time and cardiorespiratory fitness with adipose tissue insulin resistance and ectopic fat. International Journal of Obesity, 47(10), 1000–1007.

Background/objectives: Inadequate movement, excess adiposity, and insulin resistance augment cardiometabolic risk. This study examined the associations of objectively measured moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA), sedentary time an... Read More about Associations of objectively measured physical activity, sedentary time and cardiorespiratory fitness with adipose tissue insulin resistance and ectopic fat.

Performance of non-invasive tests and histology for the prediction of clinical outcomes in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: an individual participant data meta-analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Mózes, F. E., Lee, J. A., Vali, Y., Alzoubi, O., Staufer, K., Trauner, M., Paternostro, R., Stauber, R. E., Holleboom, A. G., van Dijk, A.-M., Mak, A. L., Boursier, J., de Saint Loup, M., Shima, T., Bugianesi, E., Gaia, S., Armandi, A., Shalimar, Lupșor-Platon, M., Wong, V. W.-S., …Hytiroglou, P. (2023). Performance of non-invasive tests and histology for the prediction of clinical outcomes in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: an individual participant data meta-analysis. The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 8(8), 704-713.

Histologically assessed liver fibrosis stage has prognostic significance in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and is accepted as a surrogate endpoint in clinical trials for non-cirrhotic NAFLD. Our aim was to compare... Read More about Performance of non-invasive tests and histology for the prediction of clinical outcomes in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: an individual participant data meta-analysis.

Asia–Pacific association for study of liver guidelines on management of ascites in liver disease (2023)
Journal Article
Singh, V., De, A., Mehtani, R., Angeli, P., Maiwall, R., Satapathy, S., Singal, A. K., Saraya, A., Sharma, B. C., Eapen, C. E., Rao, P. N., Shukla, A., Shalimar, Choudhary, N. S., Alcantara-Payawal, D., Arora, V., Aithal, G., Kulkarni, A., Roy, A., Shrestha, A., …Sarin, S. K. (2023). Asia–Pacific association for study of liver guidelines on management of ascites in liver disease. Hepatology International, 17(4), 792-826.

The development of ascites is a landmark event in the natural history of cirrhosis. This guidance statement by the Asia–Pacific Association for Study of Liver (APASL) provides an evidence-based approach to managing ascites and its complications in pa... Read More about Asia–Pacific association for study of liver guidelines on management of ascites in liver disease.

Nomenclature, diagnosis and management of drug-induced autoimmune-like hepatitis (DI-ALH): An expert opinion meeting report (2023)
Journal Article
Andrade, R. J., Aithal, G. P., de Boer, Y. S., Liberal, R., Gerbes, A., Regev, A., Terziroli Beretta-Piccoli, B., Schramm, C., Kleiner, D. E., De Martin, E., Kullak-Ublick, G. A., Stirnimann, G., Devarbhavi, H., Vierling, J. M., Manns, M. P., Sebode, M., Londoño, M. C., Avigan, M., Robles-Diaz, M., García-Cortes, M., …Björnsson, E. S. (2023). Nomenclature, diagnosis and management of drug-induced autoimmune-like hepatitis (DI-ALH): An expert opinion meeting report. Journal of Hepatology,

Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) can mimic almost all other liver disorders. A phenotype increasingly ascribed to drugs is autoimmune-like hepatitis (ALH). This article summarises the major topics discussed at a joint International Conference held be... Read More about Nomenclature, diagnosis and management of drug-induced autoimmune-like hepatitis (DI-ALH): An expert opinion meeting report.

Health-related Quality of Life in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Prospective Multi-center UK Study (2023)
Journal Article
Papatheodoridi, M., Pallini, G., Aithal, G., Lim, H. K., Cobbold, J., Plaz Torres, M. C., Misas, M. G., Ryan, J., Tomlinson, J., Allison, M., Longworth, L., & Tsochatzis, E. A. (2023). Health-related Quality of Life in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Prospective Multi-center UK Study. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 21(12), 3107-3114.e3.

Background & Aims: It is unclear whether health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is impaired in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) without advanced fibrosis and how this compares with the general population. We aimed to assess HRQo... Read More about Health-related Quality of Life in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Prospective Multi-center UK Study.