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Flexible all-fiber electrospun supercapacitor (2018)
Journal Article
Liu, X., Naylor Marlow, M., Cooper, S. J., Song, B., Chen, X., Brandon, N. P., & Wu, B. (2018). Flexible all-fiber electrospun supercapacitor. Journal of Power Sources, 384, 264-269.

We present an all-fiber flexible supercapacitor with composite nanofiber electrodes made via electrospinning and an electrospun separator. With the addition of manganese acetylacetonate (MnACAC) to polyacrylonitrile (PAN) as a precursor for the elect... Read More about Flexible all-fiber electrospun supercapacitor.

Design and fabrication of a low cost desktop electrochemical 3D printer (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chen, X., Liu, X., Childs, P., Brandon, N., & Wu, B. (2018, May). Design and fabrication of a low cost desktop electrochemical 3D printer. Presented at 3rd International Conference on Progress in Additive Manufacturing (Pro-AM 2018), Singapore

Additive manufacturing (AM) (3D printing) is the process of creating 3D objects from digital models through the layer by layer deposition of materials. Electrochemical additive manufacturing (ECAM) is a relatively new technique which can create metal... Read More about Design and fabrication of a low cost desktop electrochemical 3D printer.