The effect of a C298D mutation in CaHydA [FeFe]-hydrogenase: Insights into the protein-metal cluster interaction by EPR and FTIR spectroscopic investigation
Journal Article
Morra, S., Maurelli, S., Chiesa, M., Mulder, D. W., Ratzloff, M. W., Giamello, E., King, P. W., Gilardi, G., & Valetti, F. (2016). The effect of a C298D mutation in CaHydA [FeFe]-hydrogenase: Insights into the protein-metal cluster interaction by EPR and FTIR spectroscopic investigation. BBA - Bioenergetics, 1857(1), 98-106.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. A conserved cysteine located in the signature motif of the catalytic center (H-cluster) of [FeFe]-hydrogenases functions in proton transfer. This residue corresponds to C298 in Clostridium acetobutylicum CaHydA. Despite the chemi... Read More about The effect of a C298D mutation in CaHydA [FeFe]-hydrogenase: Insights into the protein-metal cluster interaction by EPR and FTIR spectroscopic investigation.