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Outputs (3)

Biocooperative Regenerative Materials by Harnessing Blood-Clotting and Peptide Self-Assembly (2024)
Journal Article
Padilla-Lopategui, S., Ligorio, C., Bu, W., Yin, C., Laurenza, D., Redondo, C., Owen, R., Sun, H., Rose, F. R., Iskratsch, T., & Mata, A. (2024). Biocooperative Regenerative Materials by Harnessing Blood-Clotting and Peptide Self-Assembly. Advanced Materials, 36(52), Article 2407156.

The immune system has evolved to heal small ruptures and fractures with remarkable efficacy through regulation of the regenerative hematoma (RH); a rich and dynamic environment that coordinates numerous molecular and cellular processes to achieve com... Read More about Biocooperative Regenerative Materials by Harnessing Blood-Clotting and Peptide Self-Assembly.

Computer Vision for Substrate Detection in High-Throughput Biomaterial Screens Using Bright-Field Microscopy (2024)
Journal Article
Owen, R., Nasir, A., H. Amer, M., Nie, C., Xue, X., Burroughs, L., Denning, C., D. Wildman, R., A. Khan, F., R. Alexander, M., & R. A. J. Rose, F. (2024). Computer Vision for Substrate Detection in High-Throughput Biomaterial Screens Using Bright-Field Microscopy. Advanced Intelligent Systems, Article 2400573.

High-throughput screening (HTS) can be used when ab initio information is unavailable for rational design of new materials, generating data on properties such as chemistry and topography that control cell behavior. Biomaterial screens are typically f... Read More about Computer Vision for Substrate Detection in High-Throughput Biomaterial Screens Using Bright-Field Microscopy.

Glycerol-based sustainably sourced resin for volumetric printing (2024)
Journal Article
Krumins, E., Lentz, J. C., Sutcliffe, B., Sohaib, A., Jacob, P. L., Brugnoli, B., Cuzzucoli Crucitti, V., Cavanagh, R., Owen, R., Moloney, C., Ruiz-Cantu, L., Francolini, I., Howdle, S. M., Shusteff, M., Rose, F. R. A. J., Wildman, R. D., He, Y., & Taresco, V. (2024). Glycerol-based sustainably sourced resin for volumetric printing. Green Chemistry, 26(3), 1345-1355.

Volumetric Additive Manufacturing (VAM) represents a revolutionary advancement in the field of Additive Manufacturing, as it allows for the creation of objects in a single, cohesive process, rather than in a layer-by-layer approach. This innovative t... Read More about Glycerol-based sustainably sourced resin for volumetric printing.