Biocooperative Regenerative Materials by Harnessing Blood-Clotting and Peptide Self-Assembly
Journal Article
Padilla-Lopategui, S., Ligorio, C., Bu, W., Yin, C., Laurenza, D., Redondo, C., Owen, R., Sun, H., Rose, F. R., Iskratsch, T., & Mata, A. (2024). Biocooperative Regenerative Materials by Harnessing Blood-Clotting and Peptide Self-Assembly. Advanced Materials, 36(52), Article 2407156.
The immune system has evolved to heal small ruptures and fractures with remarkable efficacy through regulation of the regenerative hematoma (RH); a rich and dynamic environment that coordinates numerous molecular and cellular processes to achieve com... Read More about Biocooperative Regenerative Materials by Harnessing Blood-Clotting and Peptide Self-Assembly.