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Outputs (25)

Aeroelasticity of an aircraft wing with nonlinear energy sink (2024)
Journal Article
Wall, I., Amoozgar, M., & Popov, A. (2024). Aeroelasticity of an aircraft wing with nonlinear energy sink. Aerospace Science and Technology, 155(Part 2), Article 109684.

In this paper, the effectiveness of nonlinear energy sinks on enhancing aeroelastic stability and post-instability response of aircraft wings is investigated. The wing has two degrees of freedom in bending and torsion, and is modelled using an extend... Read More about Aeroelasticity of an aircraft wing with nonlinear energy sink.

Integration of the passive energy balancing based actuation system into a camber morphing design (2024)
Journal Article
Wang, C., Zhao, Y., Huang, K., Zhang, J., Shaw, A. D., Gu, H., Amoozgar, M., Friswell, M., & Woods, B. (2024). Integration of the passive energy balancing based actuation system into a camber morphing design. Aerospace Science and Technology, 155, Article 109641.

A spiral pulley mechanism can be used to passively balance the energy between the morphing structure and actuation system. Applying the energy balancing concept has the potential to improve the performance of the actuation system by reducing the exte... Read More about Integration of the passive energy balancing based actuation system into a camber morphing design.

The effect of a nonlinear energy sink on the gust response of a wing (2024)
Journal Article
Amoozgar, M., Castrichini, A., Garvey, S., Friswell, M., Cooper, J., & Ajaj, R. (2024). The effect of a nonlinear energy sink on the gust response of a wing. Aerospace Science and Technology, 145, Article 108904.

In this paper, the potential effectiveness of a nonlinear energy sink (NES) to absorb the energy from a wing that is vibrating as a result of flying in a gusty environment is investigated. The structural dynamics of the wing is simulated using a rigi... Read More about The effect of a nonlinear energy sink on the gust response of a wing.

The Effect of Thrust Vectoring on Aeroelastic Stability of Electric Aircraft (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Amoozgar, M., Hall, M., Dimitriadis, G., & Cooper, J. E. (2024, January). The Effect of Thrust Vectoring on Aeroelastic Stability of Electric Aircraft. Presented at AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum, Orlando, FL

In this paper, the effect of thrust vectoring of propulsors on the aeroelastic stability of an electric aircraft wing powered up with electric propulsors is investigated. The electric aircraft is composed of six high-lift and one cruise propulsors. T... Read More about The Effect of Thrust Vectoring on Aeroelastic Stability of Electric Aircraft.

A review of control strategies used for morphing aircraft applications (2024)
Journal Article
Parancheerivilakkathil, M. S., Pilakkadan, J. S., Ajaj, R. M., Amoozgar, M., Asadi, D., Zweiri, Y., & Friswell, M. I. (2024). A review of control strategies used for morphing aircraft applications. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 37(4), 436-463.

This paper reviews the various control algorithms and strategies used for fixed-wing morphing aircraft applications. It is evident from the literature that the development of control algorithms for morphing aircraft technologies focused on three main... Read More about A review of control strategies used for morphing aircraft applications.

On the Aeroelasticity of a Cantilever Wing Equipped with the Spanwise Morphing Trailing Edge Concept (2023)
Journal Article
Pilakkadan, J. S., Ajaj, R. M., Haider, Z., & Amoozgar, M. (2023). On the Aeroelasticity of a Cantilever Wing Equipped with the Spanwise Morphing Trailing Edge Concept. Aerospace, 10(9), Article 809.

This paper studies the aeroelastic behavior of a rectangular, cantilever wing equipped with the spanwise morphing trailing edge (SMTE) concept. The SMTE consists of multiple trailing edge flaps that allow controlling the spanwise camber distribution... Read More about On the Aeroelasticity of a Cantilever Wing Equipped with the Spanwise Morphing Trailing Edge Concept.

Vibration Attenuation of Rotating Blades Using a Non-Linear Energy Sink (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wall, I. P., Amoozgar, M., & Popov, A. (2023, June). Vibration Attenuation of Rotating Blades Using a Non-Linear Energy Sink. Presented at AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum, San Diego, CA and Online

The global climate crisis is placing higher demands on the performance of wind turbines. One of the promising methods to enhance the wind turbine performance is to increase the rotor diameter by having larger blades. However, the blade length is alwa... Read More about Vibration Attenuation of Rotating Blades Using a Non-Linear Energy Sink.

Tailored twist morphing achieved using graded bend–twist metamaterials (2022)
Journal Article
Gu, H., Taghipour, J., Shaw, A. D., Amoozgar, M., Zhang, J., Wang, C., & Friswell, M. I. (2022). Tailored twist morphing achieved using graded bend–twist metamaterials. Composite Structures, 300, Article 116151.

This work develops a morphing concept that utilises a metamaterial as the passive morphing device for helicopter blades. The metamaterials are created with bend–twist coupling, which enable the blade twist under prescribed bending loads. Finite eleme... Read More about Tailored twist morphing achieved using graded bend–twist metamaterials.

Free vibration analysis of curved lattice sandwich beams (2022)
Journal Article
Amoozgar, M., Fazelzadeh, S. A., Ghavanloo, E., & Ajaj, R. M. (2022). Free vibration analysis of curved lattice sandwich beams. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 1-13.

In this paper, the effects of initial curvature and lattice core shape on the bending vibration of sandwich beams are investigated. The three-dimensional (3D) sandwich beam is simulated by combining a two-dimensional (2D) cross-sectional analysis wit... Read More about Free vibration analysis of curved lattice sandwich beams.

Resonant passive energy balancing for a morphing helicopter blade (2022)
Journal Article
Zhang, J., Shaw, A. D., Wang, C., Gu, H., Amoozgar, M., & Friswell, M. I. (2022). Resonant passive energy balancing for a morphing helicopter blade. Aerospace Science and Technology, 128, Article 107786.

The idea of morphing a helicopter blade by using compliant structures promises augmented capabilities in terms of manoeuvrability and fuel efficiency. To achieve morphing, compliant structures work by elastically deforming to achieve the desired resp... Read More about Resonant passive energy balancing for a morphing helicopter blade.