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Outputs (2)

Factors affecting the microwave coking of coals and the implications on microwave cavity design (2014)
Journal Article
Binner, E., Medeira-Munoyerro, M., Huddle, T., Kingman, S., Dodds, C., Dimitrakis, G., Robinson, J., & Lester, E. (2014). Factors affecting the microwave coking of coals and the implications on microwave cavity design. Fuel Processing Technology, 125, 8-17.

The work carried out in this paper assessed how processing conditions and feedstock affect the quality of the coke produced during microwave coke making. The aim was to gather information that would support the development of an optimised microwave c... Read More about Factors affecting the microwave coking of coals and the implications on microwave cavity design.

Continuous and direct 'in situ' reaction monitoring of chemical reactions via dielectric property measurement: Controlled polymerisation (2014)
Journal Article
Lester, E., Kamaruddin, M. J., Nguyen, N. T., Robinson, J., El harfi, J., Irvine, D., Binner, E. R., DIMITRAKIS, G., & Kingman, S. W. (2014). Continuous and direct 'in situ' reaction monitoring of chemical reactions via dielectric property measurement: Controlled polymerisation. RSC Advances, 4(11), 5709-5717.