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Design strategy for 3D layer-to-layer angle interlock woven composites (2024)
Journal Article
Sitnikova, E., Xu, M., Kong, W., Hu, S., & Li, S. (2024). Design strategy for 3D layer-to-layer angle interlock woven composites. Materials and Design, 247, Article 113414.

A design strategy for 3D layer-to-layer angle interlock woven composites has been established by employing a set of three key properties of the weave (KPoWs): the global fibre volume fraction, the interlocking angle and the ratio of the weft tow volu... Read More about Design strategy for 3D layer-to-layer angle interlock woven composites.

A novel continuum damage evolution model based on the concept of damage driving force for unidirectional composites (2024)
Journal Article
Yu, T., Qi, W., Sitnikova, E., & Li, S. (2024). A novel continuum damage evolution model based on the concept of damage driving force for unidirectional composites. International Journal of Damage Mechanics,

A novel damage evolution model for unidirectional (UD) composites is established in this paper in the context of continuum damage mechanics (CDM). It addresses matrix cracking and it is to be applied along with the damage representation established p... Read More about A novel continuum damage evolution model based on the concept of damage driving force for unidirectional composites.

A critical appraisal of the Hashin failure criterion (2024)
Journal Article
Li, S., & Sitnikova, E. (2024). A critical appraisal of the Hashin failure criterion. Journal of Composite Materials, 58(29), 3045-3058.

The Hashin criterion is one the most popular failure criteria for fibre reinforce composites. It is critically appraised in this paper. The most significant feature of the criterion is failure modes introduced and the assumption that failure is deter... Read More about A critical appraisal of the Hashin failure criterion.

Characterisation of 3D woven textile composites in presence of minor weft tow undulations and cross-section variations (2024)
Journal Article
Xu, M., Sitnikova, E., Kong, W., Zhang, J., Hu, S., & Li, S. (2024). Characterisation of 3D woven textile composites in presence of minor weft tow undulations and cross-section variations. Journal of Composite Materials, 58(25), 2671-2691.

Weft tows in 3D woven composites are commonly approximated as perfectly straight, but their undulations are inevitable in reality, although the extent of undulations in the weft tows is not as pronounced as in the warp tows. Such minor undulations in... Read More about Characterisation of 3D woven textile composites in presence of minor weft tow undulations and cross-section variations.

A failure criterion for genuinely orthotropic materials and integration of a series of criteria for materials of different degrees of anisotropy (2024)
Journal Article
Xu, M., Sitnikova, E., & Li, S. (2024). A failure criterion for genuinely orthotropic materials and integration of a series of criteria for materials of different degrees of anisotropy. Royal Society Open Science, 11(5), Article 240205.

Existing failure criteria for orthotropic materials are subject to an underlying assumption which cause contradictions when applied to genuinely orthotropic materials that are significantly anisotropic in elasticity as well as in strengths. For such... Read More about A failure criterion for genuinely orthotropic materials and integration of a series of criteria for materials of different degrees of anisotropy.