U can’t touch this! Face touching behaviour whilst driving: implications for health, hygiene and human factors
Journal Article
Ralph, F., Large, D. R., Burnett, G., Lang, A., & Morris, A. (2022). U can’t touch this! Face touching behaviour whilst driving: implications for health, hygiene and human factors. Ergonomics, 65(7), 943-959. https://doi.org/10.1080/00140139.2021.2004241
Analysis of thirty-one hours of video-data documenting 36 experienced drivers highlighted the prevalence of face-touching, with 819 contacts identified (mean frequency: 26.4 face touches/hour (FT/h); mean duration: 3.9-seconds). Fewer face-touches oc... Read More about U can’t touch this! Face touching behaviour whilst driving: implications for health, hygiene and human factors.